astraphobic [Fumiya]

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I was writing this before I got requests lol so yeah


"Okay then, blondie."

"[Name], I told you not to call me that."

You stuck your tongue out at him. "So? I don't care."

"Seriously, come down. You're going to fall," Fumiya said, crossing his arms.

"You're not my mom," you complained, jumping down from the tree and landing in front of him gracefully.

"You're right, I'm not."

You grinned at the blond. "So, were you worried about me?"

"Its been two hours, you usually take ten minutes," he stated. "It's strange for you to leave the facility for that long."

"Aww, you were!"

"Let's just go."

You laughed as Fumiya turned away. "Now you're embarrassed!"

"Hurry up."

You quickly did a few roundoffs before landing beside him and walking.


"As if you're one to talk, Fumi."


You lay across the bench, watching Fumiya train.

"Are you just going to lay there?" He asked, not looking away from the stadium.

"If someone had a quirk like Monoma's and they copied his after he copied someone else, would they get the copy quirk or the copied quirk?" you asked, yawning.

"[Name], are you serious?"


He sighed. "They'd get the copy quirk, since that's Monoma's quirk."

"Kay, thanks." You went back to looking at your phone, scrolling past a number of text posts.

Whenever you were just sitting there as he trained, it was always silent save for the sounds of him launching.

It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a calm and comfortable silence.

It usually lasted for as long as you were there or Fumiya was training, and it had basically become a daily routine of just being silent in each other's presence.

"Oh my god, Fumi, it's snowing!" you yelled, scrambling up.

"You don't need to yell," Fumiya said, looking out the window. "It's snow."

You stated out at the falling snow, watching it very slowly cover the ground as it got heavier. "The snow's falling faster. And the clouds are pretty dark," you said, looking at the sky.

"I know. That's why I'm going home."

"Huh?" You looked back to see that he was already wearing his jacket and holding yours. "Oh, okay." You took your jacket and put it on before following Fumiya out the door. You shivered. "Crap, it's cold."

"I know, we should hurry up."

The two of you walked through the snow as the sky darkened.

By the time the two of you got to Fumiya's house, it was almost like a blizzard.

"Bye, blondie." You waved and began to walk to your house, despite the lack of visibility due to light and heavy snow.

"See you, showoff."

You smiled and continued walking.

Fumiya stepped inside, taking off his jacket despite the feeling that he should stop you.  He changed into dry clothes and sat down, leaning back in the chair.

"Did [Name] walk back alone?" Ichika asked, coming down the stairs. "It's really hard to see."

"Yeah. I'm sure she'll be fine," Fumiya said. "[Name] can handle herself. Though it is freezing outside..."

There was a loud clap of thunder, startling both the siblings.

"I'm... going to go out." Fumiya had a bad feeling about you walking back in thundersnow, especially since you had astraphobia.

"Wait for me!"

"No, stay here." He put on his jacket and shoes and ran out of the house in the direction you'd gone in after grabbing a flashlight.

You flinched at the flash of light, moving closer to the tree trunk, shaking.


You could hear someone faintly calling your name.


"Fumi?" You began walking out from under the tree until there was another flash. You immediately flinched back, looking around frantically for the blond. "Fumi, I'm over here!"

You saw a light waving around, and when the lightning lit up your surroundings, you could see your friend's silhouette. "[Name]!"

"I'm here!" you yelled over the wind.

"I can't see you!"

There was lightning, and barely a second after a deafening clap of thunder.

"Fumi!" You sprinted in the direction where you'd seen him during that brief period that the lightning lit everything up. "Here!" He turned around as you ran up to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. "Fumiya, I don't want to be outside."

"Thank god you're okay," he said, returning the hug. "Come on, let's go back."

You nodded, gripping his sleeve tightly as he led you back to the house.

"[Name], are you okay?" Ichika asked, standing in the door.

"Mhm." You walked into the house, taking off your jacket and shoes.

"I can get you some dry clothes," she said before going up the stairs.

"Thank you," you mumbled. You yelped as there was another flash, flinching towards Fumiya and covering your ears.

"[Name], it's okay. You're inside."

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah." You nodded. "I'm okay. The lightning's outside."


You lay on the couch, curled up in a ball under the blanket. The lightning and thunder was occurring less often, but you were still on edge.


You looked over to see Fumiya. "Mm..."

He sat down on the couch near you. "Are you okay?"

You nodded silently.

"I should've told you to stay. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," you mumbled, sitting up. "You couldn't've known."

"But still-"

"Really, it's okay." You wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder. "I'm fine now."

You both stayed like that for a while.

"Fumiya, stay here for the night. Please."

"I will."

You brought the blanket up so that he was under it too before laying down.



You felt something warm press against your cheek briefly.

"You missed my lips, y'know," you said, blushing and turning your head.

"Well then I won't this time."

Lightning flashed again, and you tensed up.

"[Name], it's okay." He rubbed your arm comfortingly.

You moved closer to him, closing your eyes. You felt Fumiya kiss you as you dosed off.

"I love you."

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