Training and Discoveries

658 11 10

Izumi POV

I went to the beach when All Might asked me to. When I got there I didn't see him, but I did see a blond frail man. As well as the whole beach cover in mountains of garbage.

“Ahh..I see you made it. First off what is your name?” The man said.

“Midoriya Izumi. Where's All Might?” I asked the man before me.

He looked at me for a second before he started smoking. I don't mean with a cigarette or vape. I mean his body literally started smoking. Then in a matter of seconds his form shifted into the form of the hero known as All Might.

“I am All Might. My real name in Yagi Toshinori. When I am in my skinny form please refer to me as Toshi-sensei or Yagi, understood?”

I immediately agreed with him, and said I understood. He smiled and said, “My quirk is called One for All. It's been passed down through the generations of heroes. I am the eighth successor of this mighty quirk. I want you Izumi to be the ninth successor of this quirk.”

I looked at him speechless. The only thing that came to mind was, “Why me? Out of everyone why me and why now?”

He deflated into his skinny form and lifted his shirt. There was a horrific scar on his torso. A scar that would mentally scar anyone who saw it.

“Five years ago I fought a villain who did this to me. I destroyed half of my respiratory and digestive systems. I can only do hero work for about six hours a day now.(I know it's less in the manga and anime but this is my story so my rules.) After that I am completely useless to anyone and everyone in need, but if you become my successor then the legacy built by the first holder will continue with a new Symbol. A True Hero.”

“I accept. What must I do?” I asked him.

“First we must strengthen your body to possess the raw power of this quirk. You need to clean this beach and then I'll give you my power. Here is a workout plan, including school and everything. I must ask you though. When you came to me you said you didn't have a quirk, but against that sludge villain you used a quick very similar to mine, why is that?”

“I don't know. When you left after talking to me that first time I thought of how I would love to have your quirk to help everyone I possibly can.” I said truthfully.

“ the same thing you did with the sludge villain on me.” He said activating his hero form.

I closed my eyes and felt for the power I had in that punch and then I felt the power coursing through my veins. I opened my eyes and saw my whole body slightly glowing and green electricity coming off my body. I looked at All Might and screamed as I threw a punch straight at him.

The speed of the punch surprised All Might and it actually hit him. The punch also knocked him back through two mountains of garbage. He groaned as he got up and laughed and said, “My God I think I know what your quirk is.”

I was so surprised that the power dissipated. I looked at him confused until he explained it.

“I think your quirk is a copy-type quirk. Although One for All changed to suit you. I think you may be able to copy anyone's quirk as long as you see it in action, but unlike others you can keep the quirks you copy. You will not become number one.” He said.

At this my face fell until he continued, “You young Izumi will become a Legend.”

Over the next ten months we trained my body to handle the power All Might will give me. As the one I have is a copy. Nothing more, nothing less. After about nine months the beach was cleaned, and Yagi-sensei gave me his quirk. During that time I was also hanging out with Kacchan more. I honestly think I have a crush on him. I mean he's really strong and brave, so who wouldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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