jason the saiyan warrior

563 3 40

Name: Jason McKnight
(Saiyan name: rigor)

Height: 6'10

Love Interest: vados

2nd love interest: caulifla

Age: 20

Race: saiyan

Personality: caring optimistic sarcastic loyal friendly protective aggressive comedic confident selfless creative intelligent eager fearless cocky determined

Super techniques: chaos flash, dark bomber, Kamehameha, big bang attack, galick gun, afterimage, punisher drive, wrath cannon, Atomic shine

final flash, final Kamehameha, Time Skip/Molotov, afterimage assault, Prominence flash, final shine attack, sudden storm, chaos bomb, Atomic kamehameha

Ultimate Finishers: supernova, galick shine attack, big final attack, final nova, super kamehameha, big bang kamehameha, 20× Atomic kamehameha, Final masenko, eclipse death ball, 20× Atomic shine

Masters/mentors: vegeta, goku, whis, Arno, yamoshi the father of saiyans

Favorite techniques: kaio-ken, kamehameha, final shine attack, galick gun, chaos flash, Atomic kamehameha

Ki manipulation
Adoptive muscle memory

Black wolf style (mix martial art): krav maga taekwondo boxing hapkito shotokan karate kickboxing Tai Tzu

Superhuman physical stats:
Superhuman strength
Superhuman durability
Superhuman speed
Superhuman agility
Superhuman endurance
Superhuman reflexes
Superhuman stamina

Ssj [mastered]
Ssj 2 [mastered]
Ssj 3 [mastered]
Ssj4 [mastered]
Ssj god [mastered]
Ssj blue [mastered]
Ssj blue 2 [lock]
Ssj blue 3 [lock]
Ssj blue 4 [lock]
Ssj hyper [master]

Backstory: jason a saiyan child that was send to earth by his parents that are elite warriors name cumber and fasha along with his sister cassa incase frieza finds them and kills them,

as he made it to earth he was found by humans they quickly discovered that he was different with a massage of what jason is but that decided to raise him as he was their own,

While jason got older and helping his family he wants to know about him self and while in the city he met goku and vegeta and surprised that they where saiyans even they surprised by more surviving saiyans,

So they decided to train Jason as they did both of them can sense potential in him much more them gohan could have,

later on whis decided to have Jason as the next god of destruction incase lord beerus kicks the bucket.

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