New Friends Chapter 4

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That night of Harry's birthday he would never forget, he made great friends, like Ron, Ginny, Fred and George. They were the weasleys he got on with well. Percy was a goody-two-shoes, which Harry was not, Charlie and Bill were cool, but not as cool as the youngest four. Harry was a very magical and powerful young boy, his father was hoping that he would be a quidditch player like himself when he was at school. All Lily hoped was that he was good and not get in trouble, which at this age he was not so she did expect him to get in trouble. One thing Harry was looking forward to was Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry were he told himself he would make HEAPS of new friends. He had four friends all ready, but as Time was closer he was starting to get very nervous. All these thoughts ran through his head ' will i be okay? Will people be mean to me?' he had more questions running through his head, but he put that aside and had some fun with their family cat Crookshanks and flying around the house on his broom. "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!!" The now 7 year old Harry was saying while James and Sirius were chasing him around the house. Harry was laughing until James and Sirius appareted in front of him and scared Harry into a girl scream "AHHH!!!" as soon as Lily and Rose heard this they came running for her life to Harry when she got to him, she picked him up and was worried sick and she just hugged him heaps, until she asked " Harry, honey why were you screaming?" Harry answered like this " Dad and Uncle Padfoot were being poopy heads" Sirius and James and looked At each other with weird looks on their faces saying from the facial expressions ' that's not true! We are NOT poppy heads' Lily could read James's Mind and answered " Yes honey, you are poppy heads" she ended with a smile which made Harry and Rose laugh, and instead of fireworks he let out red and gold sparks " Honey, do you think he is going to be in Gryffindor?" Lily asked James and he replied with " Well.. my family have been in Gryffindor for centuries so most likely ya" He, Lily, Sirius, Rose and now Remus all smiled at each other, with little Harry with a confused look on his face.

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