Now That We Are Done

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Hey people...another poem..
Ummm I have a dicy feeling about this poem...anyways I hope you people like this...your views..negative or positive, highly valuable...enjoy.

Now that we are done,
Feeling dark under the sun.

Memories blotting the light inside,
Wear my pain, but it's masked by my pride.

In the head resides brighter yesterdays.
Happily ever after is a myth it says.

Burnt those letters, broke those promises.
You are the sinner, yet I'm the one in pieces.

I poured my heart out to you, never mistreated you once,
You proved it this way, truth and loyalty comes with puns.

Voices still mirroring in my head,
Piercing my passion, is this just a fad?

Our memories, causing sleepless nights,
Your picture's haunting, in and out my sight.

The agony, the distress, I fail to express,
Look through my eyes, all you see is a freeing mess.

I speak, I seek, the reason behind all of that,
Where did I lack, I thought as I silently sat.

I was not the one, every time, it was you,
It was never meant to be, all you did was screw.

You challenged my perceptions every single time.
I was the ugly bell and you were the chime.

Abandoned me, for I was just a game,
From the inception I wish I knew it, DAMN IT!

Why am I even speaking all of this,
When you won't even listen so, FUCK IT!


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