Chapter 1 invasion

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God what is happening,it was just a normal drive to my parents house,just a "hey how are you?" not this fucking hell hole with demons or some shit everywhere. I quickly park my car outside of my parents house seeing that the door is opened. I run in to see to corpses of my parents. The people who raised gone in a single day. I want to gag ,to throw up,and just wake up from this nightmare. But I know what's real and that is what this is. I close there lifeless eyes and go back to my car. "If I take the car everything will hear and see me......but if I don't I'm dead meat,........dead meat it is." I go over with myself to ease the tension. I grabbed my back pack and a bottle of water and started to walk away from the house see no real reason to be there anymore.
Mini time skip

I see these creature that have sharp teeth and hands that are blades as well

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I see these creature that have sharp teeth and hands that are blades as well. "What the fuck?" I whisper to myself and proceeded to make my way bye. I see soldiers the bigger creatures.
I stay out of site most of the time. I heard an explosion and started running but bumped into something...or some one?. I open my eyes to see some woman wearing a pink and purple....and very,very revealing outfit. She had a body that would put women to shame and her eyes I found myself mesmerized by. Quickly reality hit me. "I'm sorry please don't hurt me!" I yell out putting hands over my face to avoid any flying fist or kicks. After I few seconds of silence I take my hand away and see she still there just starring at me. "You ok,or are you not angry or something?" I asked honestly confused. She took a second to think.
"Not really" She said.
Her voice was somewhat odd and flirty. "Ok well um are you going to kill me with the Sai" I said. Her eyes widen. "How observant you are....see anything else you liked" She said again in a flirty tone. "Umm I" I stammered at the question. She giggled. I just pouted and looked away. "You eyes are very pretty" I whispered to myself. "What was that" she said
"N-Nothing!" I said blushing.
"What's your name?" She asked
At this point I just sat criss crossed and looked at her. "Yn" I said getting comfortable with the stranger who sat down in a broken building with me. "Mileena" She said offering a hand to shake,witch I accepted. It was then I noticed her strength. Just from the small handshake she could crush my fingers with ease if she wanted too. I was to intrigued to notice footsteps,it wasn't until I was forcefully grabbed by two of the creatures I saw earlier. "Princes mileena let us dispose of this trash!" One of them said. Getting there teeth and claw,knife,fist? Whatever it was ready to penetrate my body.A single tear goes down my eyes. I close my eyes and get ready for my end.
However nothing happened,I open my eyes to see a sai in one of the creatures heads and the other in shock. Mileena jumped at the last creature and what she woreon her mouth was down,revealing a similar teeth of the creature as she start to bite to creature to death. She then looks at me teeth at full display.

She closed her mouth and put on her mouth scarf

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She closed her mouth and put on her mouth scarf. We just looked at each other. "T-thank you" I said but a little scared after watching her literally eat that thing. "No problem"she said to me are eyes locked. She sits across from me.
And I just lay my whole body down on the floor. "Princess?" I asked her. "My father I Shao Khan the outworld ruler." She told me.
"And outworld is we're most of these people animal things are from......sorry" I asked
"Don't be I'm only half tarkaten" she says.
"What's the other half" I ask more questions
"Idinian"how do you spell this if you know what I'm trying to say.
She answered.
"Why......why did you save me I mean don't they work for you" I asked
"Because your the first person to talk to me normally no fear or lust but now not so much"
Mileena states while looking down at her feet.
"Sorry it's just I'm not used to all of day your sleeping in bed the next all hell breaks lose" I tried to clear things up. And we laughed.
"Can I see them" I ask she looked away.
"You may not like it" she said almost sad.
"I don't care" I said and got up and bent over so we were eye to eye. She took her face scarf (what ever it's called Ill change later)
Off and showed her teeth but with lips in the middle.

 She took her face scarf (what ever it's called Ill change later)Off and showed her teeth but with lips in the middle

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Ignore words
I look closer at the sides of her teeth and see the blood still there. "Um you got a little something there"I said point at the side of her face/teeth. At this I see her long tongue come out and lick it. Inside my head

"Cool yet disturbing" I said "Your not freaked out"she asked "I already told you It does not matter and again I asked to see" I told her with a pout

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"Cool yet disturbing" I said
"Your not freaked out"she asked
"I already told you It does not matter and again
I asked to see" I told her with a pout.
She suddenly grabbed me and hugged me. Not knowing what to do I pat her back. "You ok?" I asked
"You ask to many questions" she told
"Sorry just trying to inform readers on different shit and filler"
"What?" She asked
(Mother fucker do you know how hard it is to repair the fourth wall.......ok it's not that hard but stills it's annoying,but it's good filler,all is forgiven just let me)
"You ask too many questions" she said
"Sorry just curious" I said
"Well I wanted to know what this felt like,it feels right" she said by my ear.
"So why are you here?" She asked
"Well my parents are dead and I'm just trying to get somewhere but if I took my car I'm dead and if I walk like this I'm dead anyway but it will take longer to find me" I answered her questions (man I have a problem of putting in question) "so you have no where to go?" She asked "Yep basically" I said she put a finger on her chin thin snapped her finger
"Come with me" she told me practical lifting me off the ground.

Oh god how did this happen so fast.

Sorry if it's shit,I have not written in a long while and I had this in my head ever since I was playing mk11..................god dam two tap Shao Khan is bullshit. We're was i oh ya um
Write your opinion on what I should do
And I will possibly make it but one rule no changing the reader into a fighter.

Mileena x male reader (mortal kombat)Where stories live. Discover now