part 2

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Oh God this is so comfortable, thought Khushi as she shifted on the bed again. The sunlight flitting through the curtains was making it difficult for her to keep her eyes shut. Defeated she opened her eyes and was shocked to see her position. Her head was in Arnav's chest and his arms were around her carelessly. She had never seen him this close, and surprisingly, the proximity wasn't the least bit embarrassing. In fact, she realized carefully, this was an ideal opportunity to study her handsome husband properly. She stared at his face, the chocolate brown eyes covered by his eyelids. She moved her hand swiftly across his chin, feeling the rough stubble. His breathing was even, and she could feel his warm breath on her neck. Noticing him move, she immediately shifted back but he was sound asleep. Taking a sigh of relief, she rushed to the bathroom to shower. 

Excellent Khushi she muttered to herself frustrated, realizing she had forgotten her clothes outside. Draping the bathrobe around herself, she quietly opened the door and collected her clothes lying on the sofa. Turning around, she bumped into arnav. Shocked, she stared at him for a moment, whereas he had a huge smirk on his face. Realizing the reason, a deep pink suffused through Khushi's cheeks and she snapped at him. "What are you grinning about?" 

Pretending to concentrate deeply, Arnav replied, "Well, let's see. I see my wife looking very hot in a bathrobe, she blushes at me, and then she pounces on me like I caught her stealing. Does that give me enough reason to smile Mrs. Raizada?" 

If it was possible, Khushi coloured deeper. But the reason was not Arnav's words, but the fact that they were treating each other with so much authority after just one heart-to-heart conversation. Khushi was still lost in her thoughts when Arnav suddenly leaned over and kissed her cheek softly. Before she could react, he ran to the bathroom, leaving Khushi rubbing her cheek where he had kissed her. 

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, and Arnav was bored. He decided to visit the Children's Orphanage, he always did when he felt alone or frustrated. Seeing the children, deprived of so much yet bubbling with life and innocence, made him forget all his worries. Once there, he made his way toward Kris, a special friend of his. Kris was an adorable five year old, with the biggest blue eyes and dimples which just refused to not be seen. And he simply loved eating, which was pretty obvious looking at the chubby child. Arnav shouted his name and Kris came running to him, his huge eyes shining with unsuppressed excitement. "Arnav Uncle, you brought the chocolates right? Hershey's Kisses?" 

"I did you little devil. But you need to watch your weight now or your matron won't let me bring them anymore" he replied, pulling Kris's cheeks for emphasis. 
"All adults are the same. Even Khushi Aunty lectured me on this two minutes ago" Kris grumbled. 
"Khushi?|" As soon as the words tumbled out, khushi came rushing towards them, at first oblivious to Arnav's presence and began her tirade "Kris your bed is still unmade, how many times have I told you to throw your wrappers in the waste basket and…" 
"Whoa Khushi take a chill pill" came Arnav's deep voice. 
"Arnav!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" 
"Meeting my champ. You?" 
She ruffled Kris's curly hair affectionately. "I came here to meet my sweetheart" 
Clutching his chest dramatically, Arnav said" How could you Khushi? Don't you feel bad for your poor husband? Coming and meeting your "sweetheart" in broad daylight and telling your heart broken husband! Oh the world is cruel!" 
Hitting him lightly on the arm, Khushi said "Oh quit the histrionics Arnav
"Shut up Arnav. What will Kris think?" 

Kris, who was observing this whole scenario keenly, piped in"Aunty do you have babies?" 
"No darling. Why do you ask?" 
"Ria said when two people fall in love, they marry and have babies. I want to play with your babies. Ria keeps on teasing me and Karan helps her two. Your babies will be cute." 
Blushing seems the order of the day, thought Khushi as she felt her cheeks flushing. Arnav picked up Kris in his arms and said "Alright champ, you've talked enough. Lets get you back to your room and I want to see you exercising." Khushi kissed Kris and watched them leave. Seeing their retreating figures, she thought back to Kris's words, Your babies will be cute…….. 

Arnav returned in a few minutes and asked her, "Since when have you been coming here?" 
"Sophomore year, we came here on a class trip and I just fell in love with Kris. Anjali told me that you also came here". 
"Oh so you were hoping to crash into me?" he asked with a wicked smile. 
"Don't get your hopes high mister. " 
Just then, Arnav's stomach rumbled in hunger and he grinned embarrassed." You had lunch?" 
"Yes, but I think someone here needs it. " 
" I agree. Lets go to Caf Aylanto. I haven't been there since ages now" said Arnav. 

Seated there, Khushi glanced around. Arnav was busy with his cell. The caf had a very classy ambience, with small glass tables and cushioned chairs. Soft soothing music played in the background. Intricate Egyptian symbols were printed on the sofa. The flowers were exquisite, Hawaiian probably. The crowd comprised mainly of young couples like them. There were ancient paintings adorning the walls, somewhat clashing with the otherwise modern look. She looked at the menu and winced. Everything was overpriced by 200 percent. This used to be out of her range before marriage but not now. Still she wasn't comfortable with spending so much money. 

There order came and Arnav dug into his meal of creamy white pasta and cashew chicken. If he could, Arnav would have pasta 24/7.He snapped his fingers in front of Khushi to remind her of her meal. She looked at it and frowned. These noodles just would not twirl around her fork, and she managed to take a decent bite after three unsuccessful attempts. Arnav had observed her facial expressions during this one simple action, from confusion to annoyance, concentration to victory. They finished their meal quickly, and Khushi was in the process of getting up when Arnav held her wrist and she halted. 

Khushi stared at him questioningly when he leaned in closer to her, their faces inches apart. Her breath caught in her throat, Khushi looked at him. Oh my God, he is going to kiss me, she thought, panicking a little. With a flick of his thumb, Arnav removed the sauce at the corner of her mouth. "Come on" he said. While sitting in the car, khushi could not ignore the nagging voice in her mind which said she wouldn't have minded if he had kissed her. On the contrary, she was disappointed that he hadn't. 

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