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<P>Intro : Love </P>

<P>One way to find out if you really are loved is knowing the people you care about are always there for you. If not then they aren't really there for you. How do I know? Let's just say I found out with some help of my friend and family. Like I said, if those people you care about aren't by your side all the time, seeing and beliving them so much that you give them your life if needed then don't waste your time. I'm not really sure why i even brought this up but, there's always a reason. I mean it's just that love, family, friends, lovers any kind of love towards someone will always be chased with hate, sadness, and a borken dead heart. </P>

<P>The way everyone is looking for love is proof enough that we're desperate to find it and hold close to ourselves.  I'm not saying that all of us look search for it daily. I've only known of love from my family yet, as for someone who isn't blood related from me I find it hard to seek. Friends are easier and found faster than love and understanding each others , being found their "other half" or "soul mate".</P>

<P>I find it hard to see that few of us would endanger ourselves just to keep that "someone" safe and maybe in translation ending our own life. Very little chance do we experience that or encounter it. For myself I see that love is something I would treasure forever or more accurate as long as I live. </P>

<P>Indeed, I have done that. For the past fourteen years of my life I have cared for my family and kept close my friends. As far the love I've searched for I know right now that I found it. I don't know for sure if he even likes me the same as I do. But, like others that protected the "people" or rather "that person" I will do the same. The one I will protect is hardly a person I'm protecting rather he is the one whose job it is. </P>

<P>When we've met sure it was abnormal but, he said it was one of his favorite memories. I've asked him why and responded with this, "It was the fist time I saw your blue-green eyes smile at me."</P>

<P>I'll never understand him even if I spend my whole life with him I'll just only know what he tells me but, his soul is something I'll know is there but never really see.</P>

<P>Love is such a wonderous thing yet, somthing that will never die or stop. As long aa one person, animal, creature or species will want to be known or in better words to be loved; love will continue to live on. </P>

<P>And I will love him because he was the one who taught me to love someone other than family and friends.   </P>

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