Potions and frights

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Amie woke up from the sunlight shining in her eyes. At first she was a bit desorientated, wondering where she was, but then she remembered the nights events. Colin.
"Ah, you're awake, good." a voice said next to her, and Amie jumped high in the air.
"GEORGE!" Amie yelled, furious. It was too early to be scared like that.
"Sorry, sorry. Didn't know you would react like that, you did lean on me, you know?" George smirked.
"What?" Amie said, flabbergasted. She started blushing. Did she snore? Say something?
"Yeah, I came down here, and you were sleeping in a position that wouldn't be good for your neck, so I put you against my shoulder instead. Fred and I were going to go pranking, but I told him to go back to bed. Are you okay, Amie?" he said simply. Amie was shocked.
"I-I'm fine. Wow, why would you do that for me, George? That was really nice of you."

"You're my friend, isn't that what friends do?" George said, smiling a crooked smile.
"Oh, of course. Thank you, George." Amie said sincerely, before giving him a quick hug and running towards the stairs.
"Uh, Amie?" George interrupted her spurt to her dormitory. Amie turned to look at him.
"Yes, George?"
"Why were you down here? Were you sleep walking? Did you have a bad dream?" George asked.
"Yeah, a bad dream. A really bad dream." Amie said and shuddered. George's eyes widened.
"Did you - was it a vision?"
Amie's eyes clouded over with tears, and she nodded. George walked over and hugged her closely.
"What was it? What did you see? You will feel better if you tell someone." he comforted.
"It was Colin. Harry's little fan. He was petrified, and I witnessed it." Amie choked out.
George's body stiffened, and he leaned away to look her in the eye.
"Does Dumbledore know, Amie? He has to know about this." he said.
"I think he does. I kinda woke him up, through my mind, in my vision." Amie admitted sheepishly.
George looked at her with shocked wide eyes.
"Now, that's something. Wow."


Amie's POV:

I left George down in the common room and went up to my dormitory. It was time to face the next person who would question me. Hermione. There was no one else in there.
"Amie?" Hermione said as soon as I walked in through the door.
"Yes, Hermione?" I said, my voice sounding exhausted.
"You look horrible. What happened? Where have you been?"
Hermione walked over to my bed and sat down next to me.
"Geez, thanks. That's what every girl wants to hear in the morning." I said sarcastically.
"You know that's not what I meant. You're very beautiful, as always. I just mean you look really tired."

"Yeah, I am tired." I said, my eyes dropping.
"Another vision?" Hermione guessed.

"Yes. Another attack, to be exact."
Hermione's eyes widened, just like George's had.
"Who?" Hermione looked pale. "Who was it this time?"
"Colin Creevey." I said, tears brimming my eyes again.
Hermione gasped.
"We must start with the potion." Hermione said seriously. "I'll go find Ron, and we'll go have a quick breakfast, and then it's straight to Moaning Myrtle's. You sleep for a few hours, you look dreadful."
I nod at her, almost falling asleep sitting up.
"I'll go find you in a few hours. See you."
Hermione gave me a hug, then quickly left. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Third POV:

When Amie woke up around noon she was feeling loads better. She was getting dressed when she heard a tapping on the window, it was her owl, Lucy. Amie hurried to let her in, and Lucy held out her leg so Amie could take her letter. It read:

Dear Miss Jones,
Please come to my office immediately, we must talk.
PS. I like Sherbet lemons.
Albus Dumbledore

Amie ignored the part of the Sherbet lemons, and hurried off to the first floor where the gargoyles guarding the office was. There she realised that she needed the password.
"Oh! Of course! Sherbet lemon!" Amie exclaimed, proud of herself.
The gargoyles moved aside, and Amie went up to the door, and knocked.
"Come in." Dumbledore said.

The Mind of Amie (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 2 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now