" Annabelle you will go with Marcy into the room next to the bathroom and she will transform you now don't give her any trouble"
Asshole says

I sit for the next two hours as Marcy works on my hair and makeup by the time she is done I don't even recognize myself at all
Once she is done Asshole comes in and takes me back downstairs
I see Jack on the ground now

" what did you do to him " I asked

" Oh nothing he's okay " the asshole says with a laugh

I spent the next several hours getting posed in different positions as he took pictures of me
Once he was done he left me downstairs without tying me up

I went straight to Jack

"Jack wake up "
"Jack Wake Up "
Groans and more Groans come out of Jack

" Jack please wake up " I beg him

He groans more , I roll him on to his back I Went to his boot and found the phone pulling it out
It's an old flip phone so I flip it open and hit one of the programmed numbers

It rings and rings and on the third ring I hear

" Trent  speaking "

" Trent oh god "

"Annabelle where are you Baby "

" I don't know other than a basement, Jack is with me but he's hurt "

" Kitten "

" Cadence "

"Kitten are you okay "

" Other than my back I'm Alright We need to get out of here soon The asshole wants to move me to meet Gavin in a day "

" Annabelle "

" Trent "

" Turn on the Location Services on the phone it should ping a location "

" How it's a flip phone "

" Just go to menu it will be listed "

Hittite the menu button and then scrolling through I find the button I turn it on

" Good Job Annabelle "

I hear footsteps coming across the floor above me

" Got to go  someone is coming ,I'm going to leave the phone on but don't say anything and I'm going to put back in Jacks Boot "

I do as I said and go back to where I was standing not moving from that spot

" I see you didn't move from your spot "

" Can I have something to eat please " I asked to by more time

" Fine I'll be back in a few don't try to escape there is someone watching the door and they are instructed to shoot if the door opens "

I nod

He leaves again

I go back over to Jack trying to wake him up again he moans and groans but finally opens his eyes

" Annabelle "
" Yes Jack Don't move to much " I tell him as I take his shirt and wipe his face off

Then I get an idea

Going to the steps and to the door I knock on it

" Please if there is anyone up there I need a washcloth and water please I need to clean up Jack please " I asked as I knock harder and harder

The door flings open and I stumble back down a step or two

When I look up to see Macy she has what I asked for

" Here make it quick then bring The stuff back up I'll wait here "

" Thank you" I say as I take the items and move back down to Jack

I clean up his face wipe down his arms and chest since he has whelps on his chest

" Annabelle get the phone"he whispered
" I already did and contacted Trent the phone is still on and  hopefully they are coming for us " I say back to him in a whisper

" Good Girl" He says as he squeezed my hands

I take the washcloth back up to Macy who is waiting at the door for me I hand it back
" Thank you " I say as I turn and go back down to Jack

I sit down beside him letting him lean into me

" When the food gets here I want you to eat " he says

" Only if you do " I say

Becoming the Sheikhs WifeWhere stories live. Discover now