Same Old Same Old (Part 1 of 2)

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I slumped down into the luxurious white chair, exhausted from a day of nothing. I gulped down my full glass of wine and enjoyed the warm feeling that spread in the pit of my stomach. Jackson would be home soon I better start preparing dinner I thought to myself. Reluctantly I got up put of the chair and made my way to the large kitchen.

I began to prepare dinner. Nothing too complicated just spaghetti bolognese, it's my favourite I feel like cooking something I will enjoy. I left the pasta cooking in the kitchen and went upstairs to change for Jackson.

I entered the large bedroom, I looked over at the king sized four poster bed with silk cover's, in the middle was a small square cushion that read, 'The love in this house in infinite.' "Pfft..Infinite my ass." I said.

I walked over to my floor to ceiling wardrobe and opened up the doors. My eyes scanned the rows and rows of expensive gowns and outfits. Most of them were bough for me by Jackson or with Jacksons approval, I had a few little things that I bought by myself though.

I picked out a silky cream dress and laid it on the bed, after choosing accessories and matching shoes I undressed and slipped into the dress. I admired the dress in the mirror, it hugged my curves and stopped just above my knee. It was a truly beautiful dress. Satisfied with my look I quickly went downstairs.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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