And so, they meet again.

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Izuku tippy-toed like a little kid in an attempt to grab the cereal box way up on the high shelf, his bag dangling from his arms, mumbling under his breath. He didn't really need breakfast anyway. Izuku sighed, defeated and started walking away, then he heard a familiar voice.

"Need some help with that?" the voice said with a chuckle. Izuku's eyes widened as he turned around and looked up at the figure to which the voice belonged to. He stared into his red eyes.

"K-Kirishima? What-what're you doing here?",  Izuku said in a surprised tone. He hadn't seen Kirishima since highschool.

"I'm buying groceries and stuff," Eijiro responded with a grin. Izuku's face grew warm with embarrassment. Of course, what a dumb question. What else would he be doing at a grocery store?

"Man! Midoriya, I haven't seen you in forever!", Eijiro said grabbing the box of cereal with ease and handing it to the much shorter green haired boy.

"C'mon, Kirishima, you can call me Izuku. We've known eachother for years," Izuku said grabbing the cereal box. Their fingers touched for a split second. He didn't notice the taller boy's cheeks turn pink. Izuku was one of his crushes back in high school.

"W-well in that case, you can call me Eijiro," he said with his infamous sharp toothed smile. Izuku smiled back at him, making Eijiro's heart flutter slightly. They stood there awkwardly, not saying anything, until Eijiro broke the silence.

"Well, uh, can I um have your number?", he asked, wringing his hands nervously. Izuku fished for his phone in his pocket and clumsily presented it to him. Eijiro entered his number on Izuku's phone and then smiled.

"Call me sometime, bro! Maybe we could catch up?", he said turning around and waving. Izuku waved shyly back at him. "Yeah, let's catch up," he said, basically to himself since Eijiro was already out of earshot. Izuku blushed, for a reason unbeknownst to him, when he looked at the cereal box still in his hand. "Yeah, let's catch up...," he whispered to himself, walking away.

KiriDeku AU: working title????Where stories live. Discover now