What you don't know pt8

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Mrs Lovett could feel her heart pounding away violently in her chest as she closed the door to her bedroom behind her. She felt scared, nervous, fearful and worried all at the same time. She had no idea who was shot or if anyone had been for that matter. Of course she assumed the worst, she knew if she discovered Sweeney dead she would lay down her own life to be with him. That thought had her hesitating to walk into her shop...

She couldn't hear a thing and that made her more anxious. With bated breath she began walking towards her kitchen as she left the living room. Her eyes widened as she spotted the Judges body sprawled out on her floor and Sweeney sat up panting against the open door frame covered in blood.

"Oh god" she whispered under her breath heading over to him quickly. His breathing was heavy and his mouth agape as if he had just been running or something, his arm was bleeding too. As she reached him she bent down and cupped his cheek with her hand so he would look at her. He looked exhausted.

"What happened?" She whispered relieved he was still alive. She glanced at the Judges body and notice he wasn't dead but just knocked out.

"There was a struggle, the gun fell to the floor and went off skimming my arm, the bullet ripped my skin..." he said breathlessly to which Mrs Lovett was quick to find a cloth and began wrapping it tight around his bleeding arm.

"He isn't dead, I knocked him out by slamming his head against the brickwork" he said wincing as she tightened the cloth around his wounded arm before tying a knot.

"Why didn't ya kill e'm there and then?" Mrs Lovett finished tying up his arm and watched as his tired features light up. A smirk played about his lips and he had a faraway look in his eyes as his mind wondered with dangerous thoughts.

"Because I'm not ready for him to die yet Mrs Lovett, I'll make him pay and make it painful when he does" his threatening tone had her gulping. His eyes were full of blood lust, she felt a little frighted by them if she were honest.

"You're going to have to help me lift him out of here" he said looking into her nervous eyes. She nodded shyly and helped him up "was worried sick the gun shot may have killed you" she said allowed as she helped him to his feet.

He turned to her his lips curling into a smile as he examined her face with his eyes. Cupping the back of her head he leaned forward pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I always win Pet" he whispered looking at her as she gulped again and nodded her head shyly. She knew he was going to torture Judge Turpin, knew that he was going to do things to him that made her skin crawl.

"All I ask is that I don't ave to be there when you kill e'm" she said ever so softly her brown eyes looking at him almost timidly.

His own eyes lingered on hers for a moment before he lifted her chin and ran his thumb slowly over her bottom lip. "I wouldn't expect you to stay, just know I have to do this...." he moved closer towards her making her heart skip in anticipation. He was both frightening and exciting all at once.

Her eyes twinkled with a hint danger "I would never want to stop you Sweeney, I just don't want to see it" she said her eyes wandering over his features. God he was beautiful!

"Says the woman that chops up bodies day and night" he whispered with a smirk playing about his taunting lips. His hand moved from her chin to her neck stroking over her throat softly with his thumb.

"You know what I mean" she raised an eyebrow at him with the same playful smile.

"Take hold of his ankles, I'll deal with him in the bakehouse" he explained walking over to heave up the body under Turpin's arms. Mrs Lovett was quick to help and lifted him by his ankles the weight of this man had her back aching already.

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