When Everthing Went Wrong!

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Tomorrow is my best friend birthday. I want everything to go as planned, the snacks, music and everything else, but the hard part is making sure she doesn't know because there’s a lot of big mouth people in our class. I told everyone that is was a surprise party and the rest of the information. After school I ordered the cake, picked the decorations from Wal-mart and checked out the CD's one more time to make sure it wasn’t scratched. After I was done I rested to get my mind together after doing hard work.

It was here, her birthday was today I doubled checked everything on my list ,the food and cake, checked the music and speakers put up the decorations made sure everyone was coming. One hour till the party, nobody was here, I checked out the window and the clouds began to darken was hoping it would rain but it did, Just hoping people would still come. The food and cake came I set them down and checked it and on the cake it said get “Well Soon Mom” So I thought to myself what else could go wrong I checked the food and it was blacked and moldy. Two hours past... nobody was here I decided to put loud music and made sure it was extra loud to make it noticeable that they party was here in case they got lost. As I began to press play the thunder began to rumble and the electricity went out. After two minutes after that happened I gave up and screamed “THIS IS THE WORST PARTY EVER”! As I cleaned up the house by myself, my best friend came knocking at the door. Instead of being surprised, some big mouth in my class told her , so I explained to her everything that happened. She understand but I told her wasn’t planning her birthday party next year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2012 ⏰

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