Curing ?

45 3 2

Shota started to panic looking at Hizashi's ears to see them leaking with blood as he gasped looking him in the eye with pure terror. "... " he was utterly speechless. He didn't know what to say or how to say it, since the other couldn't hear him but tried his best to at least help him.

" stay. Here. " he said slowly to make sure he could read what saying, but also did some hand motions in a way of telling him to stay in that spot as he ran out the door and to the nurses office to grab recovery girl.

Hizashi on the other hand sat there confused looking around as he touched his ears feeling the wet and dry liquid coming from them bring it away from his ear and to the front of his face to examine the liquid closer. His eyes widening when he saw the red and brown like substance across his fingers that were shaking lightly from fear.

' was this his life now ? '

' would he ever be able to hear someone again ? '

' can he he saved from his own quirk ? '

' it was his quirk that caused this . Does that mean ? '

' he was a threat . . To himself ? '

Thoughts ran through Hizashi's mind as he pulled his knees close to his chest hugging onto them tightly as he started weeping again into his knees ashamed of his own actions as two small figures approached behind him and he turned to see shota and and recovery girl, who had sorry expressions as his world soon went black.

Duh duh duh , cliffhanger!! But don't worry it gets better . Anyway !! Erasermic week has started ! And I'm gonna try and be more active !! K, cool bye-bye !

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