Sabrina: same but I'm doing modern studies which include history, literature, Spanish and geography. Are you the guy that's always in the computer lab?

Me: that's me alright. I don't have friends so science and It keep me company..

Sabrina: that's kinda sad. No one befriended you in school?

Me: not really. People just make fun of me. I'm shy. I always smile at you hoping you'd come talk to me. I could use the company.

Sabrina: wow. I'm so sorry to hear that. Come sit by me lunch time and I'd introduce you to my friends. They'll like you.

Soon after, we reached to school and we parted to our separate ways. I went to physics class and Sabrina went to Spanish class. Time seemed to drag before lunch. I was excited to meet Sabrina for lunch. I had a crush on her and was dying to talk to her but was too shy. I thought it must be the universe bringing us together.

At lunch, there was a big crowd in the hallway then I felt a hand grab and pull me into the cafeteria. When I looked back, it was one of Sabrina's friends. She told him to look out for me and bring me over by them. The cafeteria served mash potatoes, green beans, gravy and baked chicken or fish for those who were vegetarian.
When I sat down by Sabrina, she had a bright smile on her face when she saw me. Her eyes lit up as she introduced me to her friends, Calvin, Joey, Patricia and Lucy. They were all happy to see me. It turned out that everyone there was into anime, Sci fi movies and astronomy like me. They put a big smile on my face. Patricia was hyper, impulsive then she told me she had Adhd. Calvin had dyslexia. The popular kids at school always made snarky comments at them for being different. Joey seemed distant and a bit dark which was my assumption of him.

Picture of Joey 

Picture of Calvin

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Picture of Calvin

Picture of Patricia

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Picture of Patricia

Picture of Patricia

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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