Meeting Ross Lynch (A Ross Lynch Fanfic)

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Chapter 2: I immediately went to my room and started packing since we had to leave that night. I took down all of my R5 posters and single posters of Ross. I folded my favorite one of Ross and put it in the bag I was keeping with me in the truck. By the time I was finished packing it was about 2 in the afternoon. I grabbed a sandwich for lunch and walked out of the house to say goodbye to my friends. By the time I was done with that we had to hit the road. It's a long drive from Indiana to Cali. I made sure I had my car charger for my phone. We weren't even out of state when my twin brother Cole and our little brother James started fighting.

Me: *thinks Am I going to have to listen to this the whole way there?* Eventually we got to through Illinois and stopped at a hotel to sleep and eat.


*the next day* We all woke up early that morning. It was about 5 in the morning. We left the hotel and got back in the moving truck and headed for Cali. We stopped several times to use the bathroom, get gas, and get something to eat. When we first entered California I was staring out the window dreaming of Ross. We were the same age, 15 and going into our second year of high school. I thought Maybe just maybe I have a chance with Ross. I really did like Ross. I liked him a lot. Next thing I know....

Cole: Oooooo watching for your lover boy?

James: We're still pretty far from him

Cole: Ooooooo Tori and Ross.

Me: Shut up both of you! Just stop!

I've had enough of their teasing. I was really tired and didn't want to put up with it.

Cole and James: No! Why should we?!

Me: Moooooommm!!

Mom: Boys! Stop now! Leave her alone!

I had to admit. I love them both but they really got on my nerves. Eventually we arrived in L.A. and to our new house. I saw some kids across the street in a pool in their backyard. We got out and started to unload the truck when a lady that looked a lot like Stormie walked up to us. 

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