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What are lies?

Are they the opposite of Truths?

Or are truths the opposite of Lies?


Everyone tells them,

whether to hide a secret,

an emotion,

a conflict.

Lies are as natural to society as the Truth.

Sometimes, people can't help themselves.

Some lies are worse then others.

Some can be told to hide something bad that happened the in past,

that's going to happen in the future.

Sometimes we don't get a choice to tell the truth.

Some people are forced to tell lies.

It might be to hide an identity, or to keep a secret.

Lies are also used to either selfishly, or to look after another's well-being.

But no matter what we do, lies will always exist, just as the truth will always exist.

If someone tells a lie, don't become harsh, or judgemental.

They could have a good reason to.

They might not have had a choice.

But sooner or later the truth has to come out.

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