Chapter 2

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The bell rings and I head to my locker. I empty out my bag and put my coat on my hook and suddenly see Sebastian from the corner of my eye. I hurry and lock my locker and turn to see a glimpse of him again but he disappeared. I sigh and pick up my things and head to class.

"Beverly!" I turn around to see my best friend Wanda. "What's up?" I say. "Did you here Bianca Lynn is back at at our school!" Wanda exclaims. I widen my eyes. "Bianca?? Why is she back I thought she moved to New York !" I say shocked. "Nope she lied, it turns out she VISITED New York not MOVED" Wanda explains. I stare at her in disbelief.

Bianca Lynn Alexanders is the most rude, rich, stubborn girl in the school. Ever girl would call her a slut but any guy would fall for her long straight blonde hair, icy blue eyes,amazing style and body. She has dating almost every guy and dumped them but she could probably get them all back if she wanted to. Her father and mother are plastic surgeons. Who knows if they used plastic surgery on her. No girl likes her but all guys love her.

"But ho.."I get cut off when me and Wanda hear a annoying voice down the hall. "Hey guys!" it was Bianca talking to the kids in our school. "OMG! What did I miss?" She asks.

"Mrs.Dawson cut her hair!"

"Tina moved schools!"

"We visited a museum last week!"

Wanda looks at me with her brown eyes in confusion. I give her the same look. "Since when was Bianca nice?" Wanda asked. "Its probably a stupid act so she can be popular again" I roll my eyes. "Well whatever it is she fooling some idiots" Wanda says. "More like the whole school. Whatever" I said.

Bell Rings

"See you at lunch" Wanda waves. "Bye!" I wave back"

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