I knew Cordelia could read my thoughts but I was too distracted, until she put her hand on my cheek. She turned my face to hers and her lips were centimeters from mine. I wanted to kiss the pain away. To give her a better life. 

"She's not worth it." Cordelia whispered. 

"But you are Dee. I'm tired of her treatin' ya like a rag doll." I used my free hand to make a massive ball of fire in my hand. "And she needs to learn that." 

Cordelia smiled and gently cupped her hand around mine, making the fire extinguish. "She'll learn one day. But there's no need to be so angry now. She's not here. It's just you and me Mist." 

I sighed but nodded. I put my hand back on Cordelia's back, tracing my nails up and down lightly. "And it'll always be me and ya." I replied, then gently kissed the top of her head. 

All of the sudden, Cordelia jumped off of my lap and hissed in pain. She pulled her shirt up a bit and on her stomach was a large gash mark. I instinctively got up as well, my jaw to the floor. 

"She did this." I growled. 

"No Misty wait-" 

"She did-" I screamed, but Cordelia used her own magic to fling me onto the bed and pin me down. 

"Stop! Just stop!" Cordelia yelled, and I was too nervous to move or say anything. She took a deep breath and quickly took her shirt off, showing more of the mark. It was now clear that the mark had been there for a few days, still healing. 

I pursed my lips as her magic wore off of me and I was able to move. I sat back up in the bed and extended my hand to her. Cordelia gave me a small smile and took it, releasing me of all the magic. 

"Can we shower?" She asked, cupping my cheek as she looked up at me. 

"Of course we can Dee." I replied, knowing she loved to shower with me. Very rarely did anything sexual happen, it was just a way for us to bond and know more about each other. To explore each other a bit more. 

She led me to her shower and carefully undressed me. I did the same for her, knowing she had marks on her from her mother. But, I pushed that thought out of my mind, because right now I was going to enjoy this time with my girlfriend. And no one can take that from us. 

I got into the shower first and as soon as Cordelia stepped in, I pulled her to me under the warm water. We stood under the faucet, letting the heat warm us. She lifted her red face to mine and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, which I gladly accepted. She put one hand in my wet blonde curls and the other held me to her. I smiled as my tongue swiped her lips and she opened her mouth, letting me explore her even more. 

Soon we both had to pull back for air. I rested my forehead against Cordelia's and smiled. "Ya so perfect Dee. Everything about ya." I mumbled to her. 

"You are Mist. Thank you for always coming to my rescue and being here for me. I love you more than you'll ever know." She whispered back and gently pecked my neck. 

We stood in the shower for a few more minutes, enjoying the silent but understood love between each other, but our skin began to wrinkle so we got out. I immediately grabbed a towel and draped it around Cordelia, to which she laughed and hugged to herself. I got my own and wrapped myself as well, then led her back to her bed where I got out some new clothes for her and some lotion to help heal her body. 

Once she and I got redressed we laid in her bed for a bit, again in a silent understanding. She held my hand and drew little shapes on it with her fingers while I played with her hair. It was the most peaceful either of us had been in a while. 

Then, Cordelia's phone buzzed with a text from Fiona. 

"I'm coming home and I want you to have dinner cooked." 

 She sighed as she went to get up, but I put my hand lightly on her chest. "Wait!" I pleaded. 

"I can't wait Mist. She wants what she wants." 

"Maybe you could come live with me?" 

I had never seen Cordelia's eyes fill with so much love and hope. She smiled at the idea, neither of us thinking of any consequence. 

"I would love to Misty! Let me pack a bag!" 

I sat on the bed as I waited for Cordelia to finish packing everything. I was so excited to finally have her home with me. To have her safe in my arms. I wanted to protect her with everything I had. And I wasn't going to let Fiona ruin this. 

"Alright. I'm ready!" She said, sighing but smiling. 

Cordelia was tired. She had been fighting for herself for so long, and so hard. But now, she knew she could let her guard down and just be. She knew she was going to be okay now. 

I got up and wrapped my arms around Cordelia, closed my eyes, and the familiar sounds of the swamp filled my ears. 

We were home. 

"Welcome home love." I said, kissing her cheek. 

"Thank you baby." She said, taking my hand into hers. "I love you." She whispered, looking up at me. 

"I love you too." I replied, smiling down at her. 

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