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It was on the tip of his tongue. The one thing he truly felt right now. The only thing he felt right now: I love you. But he couldn't say it. Maybe it was the cold memory of Cassie. Maybe it was logic, screaming at him to not be an idiot. Whatever it was, it stopped him from saying the thing that mattered most, the only things that mattered at that moment.

He stepped onto the bus. The doors closed. He saw Regina's face through the door-window, flushed pink from the cold (as far as he knew, anyway).

As the bus rolled away, down it's designated path, Thomas wondered if he would tell Regina the next time he saw her. The truth being, he loved her.

Something had stopped him this time, and whatever the reason, it had been a clash of fate. An attack on cemented destiny.

Thomas wondered (a new inquiry) at the extent of his courage. Hewondered how much time he would spend in front of the mirror, saying I love you like he wanted to to Regina. He wondered how many missed opportunities there would be, because he got cold feet, or started stammering, or was just interrupted by another twisted fate.

He wondered how long it would be before it finally happened.

But - even as he wondered - a small, fate-intertwined part of him knew that it wouldn't be long at all before he told her. They would join in mutual love. They would explore the depths of cinnamon joy. And for as long as fate would have it, nothing would stand in their way.

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