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Sunday came before I knew it. I woke up early, hopping out of bed to make breakfast. Deciding on treating myself to something, I start whipping up batter to make cinnamon waffles. After I put the first batch in the waffle iron, I hear a quick knock at my front door. Confused, I wipe my hands off and go to open it. I was not expecting a bear hug immediately after opening it, however.

"(Y/N)!!!! How are you!!!!" Beatrise, my floor mate, tackles me almost to the floor.

"Bea! I'm good. Come in! I just started making waffles." I laugh as I try to pry her off of me.

"Sweet! I've been missing your famous cinnamon sugar waffles. I'll also take some coffee if you got some." She smiles devilishly, then strolls to my kitchen like she owns the place. I just laugh and shut my door. I walk back over to my kitchen, start a pot of coffee, then continue making waffles. "Sooooo....?" I hear from behind me. I turn around as I finish putting more batter into the waffle iron.

"Soooo? So what?" I ask innocently.

"So what's been going on, girlie?!? It's been forever since we've talked, and that teacup of your life needs to spill." I laugh at her analogy, but shrug.

"I dunno, I feel like nothing new has happened. Other then me meeting a world-famous actor." I smirk as her jaw drops to the floor.

"Woah woah woah, back up a few steps. Who did you meet?"

"I met Thomas Brodie-Sangster, you know, the guy who plays Newt from The Maze Runner trilogy." I pour two cups of coffee, mine with creamer.

"Wait, the guy you always swoon over when he comes on screen?" She says before taking a sip of coffee. Heat immediately rushes to my face as she brings up the very obvious fact that I never want mentioned.

"I don't swoon! He just happens to be very attractive to me." I defensively say, waving my spatula for emphasis.

"Uh huh, sure. So how'd you meet him? Don't tell me you went to a convention or something, because that's just lame and anti-climactic." She rolls her eyes at me.

"No, I, uh, I kinda literally bumped into him and made him drop his ice cream on the ground." I say nervously laughing. She stares at me like I grew a second head, and I scratch my neck to relieve the awkwardness. "But it was alright though! I bought him another. He had gotten the orange cream, which we both know is trash. So I showed him the beautiful taste of churroreo."

"You bumped into THE Thomas Brodie-Sangster, and you spilt his ice cream on the ground?" She stares at me for a moment before bursting out into laughter. "My God, (Y/n), I thought you would've seen him on the street or something like a normal person. It's so you to do something like that."

"Hey! I'm not always that clumsy. I just was chasing after Lily and Charlie. You know how they can get. Anyway, I'm glad I did, because he turned out to be a super nice guy." I say, trying to hold back a smile, but my best friend saw right to it.

"A nice guy you say? So has he asked you out yet?" She smirks. My face turns bright red to the point I can see it on the tip of my nose.

"Uh, I mean, not really. We're just getting dinner tonight so he can repay me for the ice cream." I turn around, trying to seem busy with the waffles, but in all reality, I'm just hiding from her ability to read my thoughts through studying my face.

"In no world is dinner a normal repayment for ice cream. It's like at least 5 times the price. Sounds like little miss nanny got herself a date with the big shot actor." I didn't have to look at her to know that she was wiggling her eyebrows. I'm sure she could see my blush on the back of my neck.

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