Seeing red

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Within 5 minutes Andy stormed the front door Jay not far behind. I looked up over Lu's head as they down the hall, Andy looked about ready to kill someone. Oh telling him the rest of the story was going to be interesting...

His expression softened when his eyes fell on the tiny body curled into my side, tears still streaming down her face, her whole body shaking. He strode over sitting next to her on the bed, his hand reaching out to squeeze her shoulder. 

"Sis? What happened? Talk to me" His voice was soft, gentle, but you could hear the dark edge to it. I glanced up to see Jay leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, hands balled into fists, jaw clenched. There seemed to be alot of that going around tonight. I sighed looking back to Andy.

"Imma let you 2 talk ok? If you need us we'll be in the lounge room" He glanced up, giving me aa weak smile. I could see the pain of watching his sister like this plaster all over his face. 

"Thanks Willow" He moved over to take my spot as I slid off the end of the bed, pulling Lu into his chest. I stood up grabbing Jays hand on the way past and pulling him along behind me after stopping to shut the door. I sat on the lounge, forcing Jay to sit down beside me before stretching my legs out and curling up in his lap, automatically his arm rested over me, pulling me closer.

"What happened Will? Andy didn't know enough to tell me anything, just that that fucker Garret was involved, but Lulu looked destroyed back there....." His voice trailed off as his eyes roamed back to the bedroom door where Lu's cries could still be heard.

I shook my head against his chest, trying to find the right words, thinking it over before realising there were no "right words"  for this situation, this whole thing was just....fucked. I sat up, crossing my legs under me. 

"She called me but i could barely get a word out of her so I rushed over and found her room trashed, door thrown open, she was curled up on the floor so i just tried comforting her.....he...he raped her Jay....he raped her while she was asleep! She woke up with that sick fuck already on top of her. I swear to you Jay, i will find him and i will make him pay for what he did to her." 

Jays head snapped round to me as the words left my mouth, his eyes searching mine as if trying to figure out if this was some kind of sick joke. I gave a slight shake of my head. His eyes turned black, their normal delicious chocolate brown darkening till they barely even looked human anymore. His jaw was clenched so tight i was sure it was going to snap.

"I'm going to ruin him." He hissed, barely opening his mouth to push the threat past his still clenched teeth.

I was about to reassure him that he wouldn't be the only one when something on the floor over his shoulder caught my attention. I slowly unfolded myself from his side and walked over to the small black phone, discarded by the front door. I scooped it up recognising it instantly. I felt the hatred boil in me again. My body flushing with the heat. I heard Jay come to stand behind me.

"What is it?" His voice thick with confusion.

I turned to face him, my hand clenched around the phone so tight i could feel the edge of the case cut into the skin of my palm.

"It's Garrets."

His brows furrowed. "Why's it blinking?"

I glanced down, he was right. Next to the front camera there was a tiny red blinking light. I swiped up on the screen to unlock it only to be met with my face staring back at me....what clicked as soon as i seen my reflection mirror my confused expression. I didn't have time to react, i raced down the hall the the bathroom leaning over the toilet just in time for my stomach to empty itself. Jay was not far behind, pulling my hair up and out of my face, his other hand down my back. I threw up twice more before feeling my stomach clam enough to stand up and rinse my mouth. 

Turning to face Jay, may back pressed against the sink, I felt the tears prick at my eyes before raising them from the floor to meet his expression that was full of questions.

"He recorded it Jay....he recorded what he did to her" 


Authors Note!

Hello my beautiful butterflys! Thank you so much for reading! 

I have another amazing recommendation for you! If you haven't already, go follow @hes_wreckedme ! Their story "The passage" is so captivating and compelling to read i binged the whole thing in a day (only taking a break to update this cause it left me feeling so inspired haha)

So go share some love!!!

Love you all thank you so much for reading <3 

Will catch you all soon xx 

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