Reality Of My School Begins

Start from the beginning

"I was planning to confess to Oreki after school" I said looking down make sure not to get scolded at her.

"WHA-Ahem...Fine if it's your choice Y/N, you can do it" Ibara said and patted my shoulder.

"Arigato Ibara" I smiled.

The school bell rang telling it's class time. It's a good thing I finished all of my assignments and studied for surprising tests.

When sensei was discussing, my mind was how will I confess at him and what will be his response

In Lunch Time, I was uncomfortable eating lunch while Oreki was next to me. I can't even say one word at anyone in the club except for Ibara.

Sanity Time, I accidentally slipped myself and hurt my ankle. So I was taken from the Infirmary.

I frowned that it was Club Time, I slip the letter from Oreki's locker when I was gathering the cleaning materials and I cannot be there because my ankle was badly hurt and I have to stay until someone gets me back home.

I asked the Nurse if she can get my bag from my class. She got it and gave it to me then I took my phone and contact C/N to get me out of this place.

When I was resting, I heard the door opened. I opened my eyes hoping it's C/N but it was Oreki

"Oreki? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was just gonna get a bandaid for my hand but I didn't expect you will be here, what happened" He asked sitting at the chair next to me.

"I was getting the mop when I accidentally slipped in the wet floor..." I said barely can't make an eye contact with him.

"Oh, you should sometimes be careful, you are clumsy as always" He said.

I giggled a little, I remember the Nurse put a bandaid in the cabinet next to mine. I opened it and took it.

"Give me your hand" I said

"What?" He said blushing instantly.

"Just give it!"

He gave me his hand, I can see the blood spilling at his hand a little.

"And what happened to you?" I asked.

"I accidentally cut myself with a knife while cooking" He said

"Eh! You joined Cooking Club!?"

"I was just making something for someone..."

"Well hope your cooking whatever food it is will be delicious" I said while putting the bandaid to his hand.

My heart suddenly stops "Have you...received any letters from your locker?" I asked.

"How did you know? I did came to the place where I should meet them but they weren't there" He said

"That's because it was me"

"What, why?"

"I wanted to tell you something important..."

"What is it?"

"I....." My voice suddenly starts to itch but I took a deep breath and said "Like you!"

He froze, sitting still. My mind was getting more foggy, my eyes started becoming blurry.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I don't like you, never in my life" He said and left.

But the sound of it sounds like pity and sadness. Then I burst into tears, I thought we were becoming friends but he hated me

C/N came and ran to me "Why are you crying! Don't tell me you're being childish again!" She said.

I told her everything what happened, she became soft and gentle, she hugged me "Y/N, there will be other boys, it's best we go home and get you some rest" She said and helped me.


At midnight, I was still awake repeating Oreki's words every second.

"I knew this will happen, I knew he will always like that Chitanda" I whispered to myself "But who cares, the reality at my school begins...

Ibara and I walked together going to Kamiyama High, I told I won't go to the club for a while.

We reached the school and saw in the entrance Oreki giving sweets to Chitanda.

"Oh my, Y/N are you okay with this? Oreki rejected you?!" Ibara said.

I smiled at her giving her confused expressions.

"Who cares?"

Reality At My School || Hōtarō Oreki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now