Chapter 13

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A week had passed and the gang fight was coming up. Reece woke up exhausted and went to take a quick shower to wake herself up fully. She was extremely tired form last week but managed to get through it.

She got dressed running downstairs making herself a coffee. Reece and Tyler had been dating since after their date. Honestly Reece was very confused about Tyler. She felt as if she wasnt really seeing the true Tyler. "Was he being two-faced?" She thought. She shook it off riding to school.

Reece got to school seeing Tyler leaning against a wall talking to a blonde haired girl. Reece snuck over listening to their conversation. "Hey, babe." He said hugging the blonde. She smiled widely hugging him back. "Hey there handsome!" She said. Tayl is r shushed her quickly. "Shh, someone might hear us." He said pulling away from the hug.

Reece laughed to herself and held her head high walking right past them. Tyler looked up shocked. "R-Reece..." He started. Reece continued walking but making sure to throw him a bird. She walked down the long hallway unfazed. "This isnt new..." She whispered to herself. "I barely knew him anyways." She added. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her. She punches the figure hard making them let go. "What the heck man!" Jett yelled. "Oh its you." She said rolling her eyes. Jett smiled playfully punching her back. She fake gasped and pretended it hurt.

"How's you and Tyler?" Jett asked. Reece laughed. "You know we were doing really well until I found out he had a girlfriend." She spoke calmly. "Oh, sorry..." Jett said looking down. "Its fine." Reece replied making him look back up. "Maybe you should go on another date with a better guy." Jett shrugged. "Yeah okay." She said sarcastically. He smiled nudged her. "It wouldnt hurt." He said. "No I'm not going on another date in awhile!" She laughed. "Yeah maybe!" Jett said back.

"Hey guys." Blake said with Raven behind him. Raven smiled waving. Reece smiled back. "Reece!" Layla came running grabbing ahold of Reece's wrist. "Come now!" She yelled dragging her away. "Hey where are we going?!" Reece yelled. Layla stopped and pulled her into the bathroom. "Alex is sick but heres the thing..." She started. "Did you see our team Jerseys?" She said sternly and got straight to the point. "Uh no..." Reece replied. "They've been ruined and someone left all everyone on the football team South Ridge High uniforms!" Layla freaked out.

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