Chapter 2

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Reece walked along the right side of the hallway when a pair of arms wrapped around giving her a warm hug. "Hi Reece." Spoke the voice. "Hi Layla." Reece spoke back in a mocking tone. Layla rolled her eyes and laughed. Reece turned around seeing her two best friends smiling at her. Alex and Layla. "I got to go to chemistry I'll see you guys layer." Reece said walking away.

Meanwhile Jett was having trouble. "What is her deal!" Jett yelled at his friend Blake. "Look on sorry dude but that's our bench and she shouldnt have sat there." Blake said back. "You guys are fighting over a dang bench! Get it together!" Raven yelled. Raven was the sarcastic one, long black hair, doesnt know when to quit. "Honestly man you're just upset that I was messing with your girlfriend but hey! You dumped everything out of her bag!" Blake yelled. "I'm not mad about that and shes not my girlfriend!" Jett yelled. He took a glance outside of his chemistry class and sighed. "She's just...different, you know?" Jett said calmly. "Yeah the shes different because shes a girl that I actually wanna punch in the face!" Blake said. "Yeah...Yeah" Jett though for awhile before nodding his head and agreeing.

Reece made her way to her class and spotted Jett instantly. She rolled her eyes and sat down quietly. She turned her head to take another glance at him and found him staring at her. He smiled suddenly and winked at her. Reece gave him a face of disgust. "Hes not even that cute..." She thought. "Well maybe he is...yeah he is..." Reeces mind was getting the best of her. She shook it off and continued waiting patiently for further instructions for class. "Today you'll be working with a partner of my choice. You'll be mixing the correct chemicals to make a small explosion." The teacher said loudly to each student.

She began calling out the pairs for the assignment and she finally got to Reece. "Reece and Jett." She said. Reece almost instantly gagged. "You've got to be kidding me." Reece whispered. Jett walked over taking the seat next to her smiling. "Why are you smiling." Reece asked. "Because I'm partners with you." He spoke. "Why are you so happy about this? Dont you remember what happened this moring?" She asked. "Oh...oh I remember..." He said devilishly. He moved his hand to her forehead before flicking it hard. Reece responded by punching him in the arm. "Hey stop flirting with him he doesnt like you Reece!" Blake yelled. The whole class started laughing and giggling. "Blake right?" Reece asked. Blake nodded smirking.

Reece got up from her seat and walked over to him. "Hi, I'm a human being. What are you?" Reece asked holding her hand out for him to shake. The class started ooing and looked at Blake for his response. He quickly got up and in Reeces face. "I dont like your sarcasm." He spoke darkly. Reece glared and spoke again. "You dont like my sarcasm, well I dont like your stupidity." She said walking back to her seat. "You should learn when to shut up! Why not just hit me!" Blake added. "I'd slap you but that'd be animal abuse." Reece said.

Blake rolled his eyes sitting back down while the class was amazed by what just happened. Jett gave her a glare. "Yes?" Reece said sarcastically. "Why are you acting so tough?" Jett asked. "Becuase I am." Reece said flipping her hair before getting back to work.

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