Idrk what to name this one

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Like 20 minutes later or so
I get to my audition and see my agent and manager dave
~~~Skip audition~~~
I get back to my apartment and I get a text from Zach
Zach: Hey
Y/N: Hey
Zach: whatcha doin
Y/N: Nothing just got back from my audition
Zach: oh cool wanna hang out
Y/N: where do u wanna hang out
Zach: idk can I come over to ur apartment
Y/N: yeah sure here my address *address*
Zach: ok thx
Y/N: Np don't tell anyone
Zach: why
Y/N: It's mysterious 😂
Zach: 😂 whatever avery
Y/N: Finally I was wondering when ur gonna call me that 😂
Zach: 😂 oh and Jack was reading this over my shoulder so he knows
Y/N: ok when are you gonna come over
Zach: be there in 15 bye
Y/N: alright bye
~~~End of text~~~
Jack's POV
I see that zach was texting y/n so I looked over his shoulder he was going over to her apartment oh I guess he sees me he just told y/n that I was reading over his shoulder
Jack: Oh u can see me
Zach: yea I knew you were there the entire time
Jack: oh ok but dude take care of my sister Idk if ur dating or not but if u break my sisters heart I will break ur face
Zach: ok dude and we aren't dating I'm just going over to her apartment
Jack: ok
Zach left to go to y/n apartment
Jonah: where's he goin
Jack: oh he's going to y/n apartment
Daniel and Corbyn looked up from their phones
Daniel,Corbyn,and Jonah: wait what
Jack: I've never imagined me saying those words
We all laugh

Your POV
I waited for zach to show up and then I hear a knock at the door I go open it and see zach
Y/N: Hey herron
Zach: Hey avery as he said coming in
Y/N: So what do you wanna do
Zach: We can watch a movie
Y/N: ok you can pick
Zach: horror it is
Y/N: ok
I love horror movies even tho they scare me
We go to the couch and Zach puts on a horror movie on and Get so scared I hide my face in his chest
Zach POV
Not even 30 minutes into the movie y/n gets scared and hides her face in my chest I couldn't help but blush and smile
••skip to the end of the movie•• end of pov

Jack Avery's Little Sister//Zach Herron ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now