"Don't stop, run." The desperation was clear in his voice and she ran straight out of the apartment door, not daring to look back. Unfortunately for Anna she didn't make it very far. As she left her apartment there were enforcers either side of the corridor, blocking all her escape. Looking back into her apartment she could see the enforcers had contained her father and he was unconscious in their grip. Next thing she felt was a cloth being held over her mouth and then everything was black.

Anna woke confused and dreary, her head was pounding, her throat sore and her vision blurred. It took her a minute to realise that she was facing down and then when she tried to rise she was prevented from doing so by the chains. Her neck movement was restricted by a cold metal brace and from her limited movement she could see that she was chained to a metal frame of sorts, she was standing but her hips were bent forward at a ninety-degree angle. Her chin rested on the frame as she looked down and when she checked out her other side she realised she wasn't alone. Next to her was another girl, her hair jet black covered her face but from the relaxed even rising and falling of her chest, Anna guessed she was still unconscious. As Anna started to recover from the drug they used to make her lose consciousness she became aware that she was completely naked. Instantly she tried to cover herself but the cuffs holding her arms behind her back prevented her from doing so.

From a distant room Anna could hear the droning of heavy machinery and with great difficulty she managed to lift her head up to get a better look at her surroundings. She was in a small room, all the way around the walls of the room were more people, locked in a frame like herself. The frames were big enough to hold two people side by side, and they held them both bent at the hips facing down connected to a metal pole which their chin rests on by a metal collar around their neck. Their legs were then spread and chained to the bottom of the frame and their arms cuffed behind their backs. Anna knew that she was brought her to produce milk for the corporation but she didn't know how that was going to be possible, she thought it was only possibly if she had been pregnant. Also, another thing that was curious to Anna was that there was one man among the people chained to the frames. The door to the room opened and the sounds of the machinery grew louder before the door was shut again. A women and a man walked in, both holding clipboards and wearing white coats and they went around waking any who were still asleep.

"Welcome all. My name is Simone." The woman had a hint of a French accent and she pronounced each word properly. Whilst she was wearing a uniform with the white coat, everything else about her screamed wealth. Her jewellery, shoes. She looked immaculate. "Now I know that none of you are here by your own will. Your lives were taken as payment by the corporation we all work or serve for in some way. You will remain here for as long as the corporation seems fit to pay off the debt you owe. Should your time here not work out, you will be moved to one of the manufacturing prisons and believe me when I say you wouldn't want that. This room you are in here is one of the many training rooms in this facility. You will spend your first half a year in this facility here under rigorous training schedules aiming to increase your body's production of milk. This milk will then be sold to the public who were able to pay their taxes."

"Thank you Simone." The male took over as Simone then went round the room checking each subject with their sheet of paper on her clipboard. "My name is Tony and I run this factory. We expect our cows, yes, that's what you are to us, nothing more than cows that produce the milk we sell, we expect you to behave and not give our employees any trouble. Should you misbehave, indiscretions will be punished. I'll return to this room once a week to keep up with your progress, until then Simone will be looking after this room. I'll leave it to her to explain what comes next." Anna watched as Tony walked out, his expression cold and bored as if he had said this a thousand times or more.

"Okay listen up. You'll remain in this position for most of your stay here. Whilst in this position you will have your breasts pumped, and for those who sign up to the sexual program, you'll be used in this position for paying customers, there'll be more about that later. To begin with, you'll all receive eight breast pumpings a day. Starting at midnight, then every three hours after that. Each session will last for twenty minutes. You'll also be released for an hour every morning and afternoon for exercise and feedings. Now, before we begin to process you and you're set up for your first pump, you'll all have the opportunity to sign up to the sexual program. You can reduce your time here by being willing partners for people who pay to use you sexually. There will be no warning as to when this will happen, and may happen more than once each day. You'll get the opportunity to sign up when you're processed shortly. Until then, see you soon."

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