Chapter 4

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Hazy. That was the best way that Anna could describe how life was for her now. She had no idea how long it had been since Simone authorised the change which made her body start producing the drugged milk but it had sure changed everything a great deal. During one of her more lucid moments, Anna recalled Simone telling her that her new drugged milk had been a success. It's goal to relax and calm the mind of the drinkers worked without side-effects and had proven to be very popular. For Anna however, there was much more of the drug present in her system which made her symptoms worse. For her, the drug left her mind foggy, she was unable to concentrate on anything, hold a thought or pay attention to her surroundings. On the plus side, she was deeply relaxed, there were no worries, the drugs eased the pain her growing udders were causing as they filled with milk and she was beginning to forget parts of her life before the factory which used to always make her wonder what if.
"I have a new experiment for you my dear cow." Anna blinked and tried to focus on the face in front of her. It was Simone and she was smiling at her, gently stroking her hair. "As we agreed in the contract you signed when you joined me, we will soon begin the breeding program. Scientific advances and a pass from the corporations that rule our land means that it is now legal to breed and sell. There are laws in place to ensure it is only to those who will look after and raise the child as their own, those who can't have children themselves or those who wish to have a special child. The scientific advances mean that we can genetically create the child to be whatever gender we desire, we can create a stronger life, with stronger organs, no diseases at birth and a much more advanced mind. You will be one of the first to go through this program. Whilst the drug leaves you unaware of most things, you still have some moments that you won't want to experience through this cycle and I have developed this new blocker which will be injected into your clit and your nipples." 
"Hi there." Liz appeared as if out of thin air, though she could have been there all along, Anna wasn't sure. She pulled out a syringe and injected her clit and her nipples with the stuff. In a blink of an eye, it was done and Anna had barely registered it or felt a thing.
"This new drug, which will need to be reapplied once a month blocks the signal which releases all the tension when you are aroused. Now, when you are aroused, the tension will build, and build, and build, and then nothing. You won't feel that release of the tension, instead, when you have stopped being used, the tension will fade and leave you empty, frustrated, and wanting more." Simone leaned in close, kissing Anna on the cheek. "You've always been my favourite. I can't say how happy I am to see you reach your full potential here. Know that I am proud of you, and, I love you." Anna blinked, a single tear dropped from her eyes as she watched Simone and Liz walk away.
The next week was a new kind of hell for Anna. She had more clients come and use her than before, she had all her holes used, she was beaten and humiliated though in her drug induced state, she soon forgot it, that was until the video replayed on the screen in front of her The one thing that didn't go away was her need to orgasm. Simone had been right, when she was being fucked or one of her clients went down on her. At first it felt just a little bit more sensitive than normal, all stimulation to her nipples and clits made her body shudder in reaction to the pleasure, the pleasure built as it always did. But then that was it, it built until it felt as if her body would explode from the tension, every part of her screamed for a release that never came. She felt tears on her face as she realized she was crying from the frustration and then she realized the client using her had finished and that built up tension slowly faded leaving her incredibly frustrated. Her body shivered and she continued to sob as she prayed for the release.
A little while later she watched the show on the screen. It was hard to focus but she could see how much the new drug affected her. Even watching it she began to feel her arousal grow once more and the need to be used but she knew it would end the same way, she'd probably crave the next client even more. She noticed on the screen that her breasts were now abnormally large, if she wasn't supported whilst being bent over on the frame, she would fall. Walking upright was something that would never happen again for her, if she crawled, her nipples would scrape along the ground. 
Towards the end of the month, Anna had lost most of her sanity. She was a shaking, drooling mess. Her vision was almost always blurry, her mind a jumbled up puzzle of things that had happened to her and her own imagination. There was no place now for her memories of her life before, she had no memory of her Father that she saved by coming here, of her life before she was here. She was now a cow, and she always had been. Even the sound of her own voice was a distant memory as she hadn't spoke in god knows how long. Anna knew this was coming, Simone said it was a possibility before she signed the contract and whilst Anna was dubious about it, the possibility to do good and set her Father free had been too good to turn down. It was the ultimate selfless act, free him and give him a brand new, higher quality life whilst she would never remember him or her sacrifice for him.
"My my, you're looking worse for wear my dear." Anna, sweating and shaking, looked up to see the perfect Simone. It had been a while since she had seen her last, she thought, she couldn't even remember the last time she had. When Simone stroked her hair, Anna leaned into her touch, each stroke making her body want more. It felt like every inch of her skin craved to be touched, like the tension had spread all over after not being released. "I wanted you to know, you've been in my possession today for a whole year. Your transformation has astounded me and you're still my favourite. For that, I wanted to give you a special treat before your breeding program starts." Anna felt confused as Simone disappeared from sight, but then momentarily after, she spotted Simone on her monitor, positioned behind Anna. With her face in between Anna's legs, Simone licked Anna's engorged clit eagerly. Each flick of the tongue sent waves of pleasure through her whole body. Anna began sobbing once again as the familiar build up in arousal and tension spread through her whole body. She felt suspended in pleasure, as if all she needed was that little extra push to get her over the line but just like the whole of the last month, Anna knew it wasn't to come. But then it did. Whatever it was Simone did, the blockers were removed and Anna felt waves of pleasure shoot through her whole body. Every nerve ending felt on fire with pleasure as Anna screamed out as wave after wave of pleasure passed through. It was all a little too much for her and soon, everything went black.
Anna woke a little while later as her breasts were being milked. She could see the blurry outline of Tony or Liz as they dealt with one of the other cows. Anna was barely aware of the other cows around her now, the drug made it hard to see or focus and she couldn't really remember many of them. Just as she tried to remember, her mind would wonder in another direction and she'd forget all about it.
"Welcome back to consciousness." Tony teased as he approached Anna. "You were out for a little while then, even went through a whole milking cycle whilst sleeping. Whilst you've been out, the blockers have been reapplied so don't look forward to another mind-shattering orgasm anytime soon." Tony looked sympathetic as he patted her on the shoulder. "Whilst you were out, Liz and I started your breeding program. Semen was artificially inseminated into your cervix roughly two hours ago. With the new equipment we've been supplied, we should know within four weeks as to whether you're pregnant or not." Anna blinked as she tried to take in the information. She was pregnant, she was going to have a child but it won't be hers. The information was hard to process and as soon as Tony walked away, she soon started to forget everything she had been told as she watched Simone orally pleasure her on the screen. Anna giggled to herself as she watched the amazing orgasm she had received, her whole body convulsed and she almost looked possessed.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into a month. Anna was barely present in her own mind anymore. The effects of the drug left her mind damaged, with random broken thoughts and fantasies of cumming crossing through her mind like an acid trip. Since she no longer remembered who she was, she didn't care, this new life was all she now knew. She enjoyed the attention she received from the special visitors who made her holes feel special, even if she couldn't get any release. Her mind wasn't able to hold any information any more, she was told a day ago by Simone that she was indeed pregnant and that she was the first to be a surrogate mother in this program and that the baby would find itself in a grateful family and would live a great life, unaware of Anna's existence.
As Anna's pregnancy progressed, her breasts became even larger in size as they were producing more milk than before and Anna found that she was barely able to support her own weight on her knees any longer. Simone had a solution for this, there was a new rubber like resin that had been developed which would be able to support her weight. She had Tony attach a chain to the ceiling and then helped Anna get down on her hands on knees. Whilst she was on her knees, Tony mixed the resin ready and when ready, applied it to Anna's skin. The resin, which looked very much like glass, bonded with Anna's skin, attaching to her body as it became like a second skin. Tony applied the resin all the way from Anna's neck, down to her wrists and her ankles. The resin was almost like a living glass cage, one that was see-through and moved with Anna's steady breathing. There was a hole made at the back, so there was still access to both her holes and small holes for the nipples where permanent pumps were attached. Anna hung there, a dumb smile on her face as Simone helped herself to a taste of Anna's pussy once more. Her arms and legs hung limp within the material. Despite the flexibility of the material in that it grew with its host, it was rigid enough to hold Anna in position, the resin around her neck acting like a posture collar, holding her gaze in one place. Eventually, her muscles in her arms and legs would atrophy due to lack of use and Anna would end up relying upon this new material cage. This was her home for life now where she would be used, bred and milked for the rest of her extended life, and she couldn't have been happier.

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