5. Reconciled

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I was completely zoned out of the movie I allowed Chris to choose. I couldn't tell you the title or the main characters in the movie. I was blankly staring into the screen and everything around me was in complete silent. I was so confused with my feelings right now, Chris kissed me but I was so unsure of what it meant, if he did it just to relax my thoughts, I had no idea. It was sweet of him to think I deserved better, but I was upset he made the decision for me. 

In my selfish and weird mind, I deserved Chris. I developed a crush on him the very first time I met him at a party, he offered to buy me a drink and I accepted, then we got talking, danced and by the end of the night we had a date set up.

I was brought back down to earth when Chris cleared his throat, and pressed the off button to shut down the DVD player. Now we were just sitting in the candle lit room, I could feel Chris' eyes burning right through me. I turned towards him and smiled. "Great film huh" I asked picking my nail slightly. "Yeah. But you was not watching it" Chris chuckled. Oops busted! "Yes I was!" I defended, Chris lowered his face down so he was inches away from mine, I could feel his breath on my face. Without thinking I move my head back slightly, to distance the gap. "What was the plot about then?" he questioned. "Knowing you, it was about 2 people who fall in love..." I shrugged causing Chris to laugh. 

It was getting late, and Chris made a move to stand up. "Chris..." I began. He gave me a puzzled look. "Please I need us to talk" I looked up to him and he sat down sitting on the edge of the seat. "I need to know what the deal is with us" I asked not wasting any time. I dont sugarcoat around a subject in mind. If I have something to say or ask, I'll just get there. Chris rubbed his beard with his finger, "I don't know right now, Y/N" he said softly but serious. "My current situation with my wife is complicated and I just kinda... it would be nice to have you for support right now and after my complication is resolved who knows..you know? We've only just reconciled." he smiled slightly. I nodded my head in understanding, "of course!" I smiled. "You know where I am if you want to talk or just you know. Hang out as old pals" I placed a hand ontop of his when he kept his smile on his face. "And I'm here for you too! Oh and while I think of it, do you have a cellphone?" he asked getting his out of his pocket. I chuckled, "No. I kinda got frustrated and broke it" I blushed. I wasn't sure if he believed me or not or if he thought I was using that as an excuse just not to give him my number. But it was true! "Alright. Well here is my e-mail address!" I could tell he was thinking of something, his eyes always wandered around alot when he was making plans. "Thanks! Here's mine" I passed him the piece of paper so he has some form of contact. Chris smiled and once again stood up, I walked him to the front door when he turned around suddenly "By the way... What phone was it that you had?" he asked. "It was an iPhone 4... Yeah I know! I'm behind on technology" I chuckled, "Right!" Chris pulled me into a quick hug then walked down the hallway and out of the building.

What was he up to, I wondered to myself locking the door. 

Reconcile - Chris Evans (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now