Chapter 6

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I woke up and looked at Mike. This was like a dream come true, this was everything I've ever wanted and more. I looked at the time and saw it as 6:45

I kissed his head and tip toed down the stairs to my house and changed into clothes and brushed my teeth and hair and by the time I was done Mike was down stairs waiting for me so we could leave for school.
We walked hand in hand smiling and laughing the whole way to school

We walked up to the rest of the group minus Dustin

Nobody took notice of Dustin as we walked out class. Our first period was science with Mr. C and we all had it together

We all sat down and we were mid-way through the lesson when Dustin barged in.

"Sorry Mr.C, keep going" dustin said sitting down

"Meet me in the AV room after school" he whispered to us

He then turned to max and told her

Me and mike looked at each other and rolled our eyes

"Dustin, your book" Mr.Clarke said hinting towards him

"Oh right" Dustin said taking out his book and opening to the same page
Me, Will, Lucas, Dustin, and Max were waiting for Mike to arrive

Mike finally appeared

"Hey baby" he said kissing me

"Hey" I smiled taking his hand into mine

"Alright let's go" mike said

We got up, Mike then looked at Max

"Party members only" he said, slamming the door before in her fave before she could get in

"What did you want to show us?" I asked

"This" Dustin said as he brought out a slug like creature

I gasped and gripped Mikes hand harder

"Hey I'm right here, I won't let it hurt you" He said smiling

I nodded and kissed his cheek

Dustin started to pass it around

I hid behind mike

"Ew, I don't want it" Lucas yelled

"Me either!" Will said passing it to mike

"What is it?" Mike asked as I also observed it 

"I think it's like a tadpole" He said

"Like a pollywog" I said

"Yeah exactly" Dustin said

"His names dart" Dustin said

"You named it?" I laughed

"Yep" He said

"Hm" I said as mike gave 'Dart' back to Dustin

As Dustin took it, it jumped off his hands onto the table and onto the floor

As I was about to pick it up max opened the door

"Max what the hell?!" I exclaimed as Dart ran out the door

"I'm sorry- i didn't know-" but I didn't let her finish cause I sprinted right after dart

I went to dive for Dart but he made a turn and I slammed right into the wall and I let out a groan in pain

"Baby are you ok?" Mike yelled running up to me

"Mmmhmm" was all I said

"Come on get up" Mike chuckled a little, helping me up

"Thanks babe" I said smiling as he smiled back

"Now let's get Dart" I said as we ran to the gymnasium

"I'll check the boys room" He said and I sat outside and waited

I heard the door open and arguing followed

I ran up to mike and saw him and Max arguing about something

"Why don't you want me in the party!" Max screamed

"Do you hate me?!" Max asked

"How can we hate you, we don't even know you" mike said

"Then why?" Max asked stopping

"Cause you're annoying" Mike said

"I could be you'r zoomer" she said

"What's a zoomer?" I asked

She placed her skate board down and started riding around us

"Mind blowing" Mike said sarcastically

Soon we were all smiling

All of a sudden max flew off her skate board

And I flew against the wall behind me

I look up and got a glimpse of someone.......Eleven

"Omg Y/N are you ok?!" Mike yelled

"Eleven" was I said before I passed out

Sooo I'm back and 100 reads! Thanks! I'll be updating way more next chapter coming either later today or tomorrow

Word count:683

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