Making Friends

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The title is really bad, so I apologize for that.

   I think the key to making friends isn't just finding similarities, it's also about sharing your unique personalities with someone who may not be a carbon copy of you. I mean if you were friends with someone exactly like you, you would probably run out of things to talk about. Meeting people with differences from you can actually open you up to new interests!
   Making new friends can be tough. I myself always have this fear in the back of my mind that people will be my friends but when someone better comes along they'll just pack up and abandon me. So, I guess it's kind of hard for me to put myself out there sometimes. If you struggle with feelings like this, then please, I beg of you, talk to your friends about this! They probably have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on with your brain. I talked to one of my friends just last night about how I felt, and, to be honest, it felt really good to finally tell someone about it. For some people, it's probably better to talk to your friends about things like this more so than your parents.

Now onto the actual part of making new friends. I know you probably want to stay in your friend group, but it's also good to venture out and make friends with someone a little different than all of your other friends. Making a friend can be one of the easiest and hardest tasks to do. Remember the friend I mentioned earlier that I vented to about my feelings? Yeah I met her by running into her one morning after hanging my backpack up. I was going inside, and she was walking outside; that's when we bumped into each other. Literally. Our whole first conversation went like this:
Me: after you
Friend-o: no after you
Me: it's fine, you can go
Friend-o: no, you can go
Teacher: wow, my students are so polite

Yeah, I was very awkward. The more I talked to her, though, the more we both opened up. She's one of those people who read during class and don't pay attention, but are still like super smart!! We have a ton of inside jokes. It was Elementary school, so we couldn't exactly say swear words, so instead of shit we said the word shmu. I legitimately don't know how to spell that.

Making new friends can open up a world of interests. That little bean made me read Percy Jackson and got me obsessed with Greek mythology. And what did I give her, you ask?

a bunch of english history no one asked for.

She really likes k pop so I always ask who which wife is her 'bias'. It's Anne Boleyn, by the way. So proud.

OH SHMU I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING FROM SIXTH GRADE! We got to do a presentation during the last weeks of school on anything we wanted. She did her's on fencing, since she does that sport along with archery. I, however, did mine on King Henry Viii (the eighth) 's six wives. It was a Google Slides presentation and everything. Everyone laughed when I got to Jane Seymour, because they said she was ugly. How mean is that?! She wasn't even the one who is supposed to be ugly! That's Anne of Cleves! But she isn't ugly either. Poor girl. I've gotten so sidetracked. If you took the time to read any of this mess then I would just like to thank you sooooooo much!!!

I guess my final advice for making new friends would to be just go for it! You'll regret it later in life if you don't! And hey, if you mess up it's no big deal. Two years down the road no one will even remember.

Until the second chapter!! Baiiii ily 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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