Everyone of the champions was in their best.  Fleur was in her light blue school uniform.  Harry and cedric were in street clothes, but still looked nice.  Vik and I were, like fleur, in our school uniforms.  I wore a long sleeved red, knee length dress and black high heeled ankle boots that I insisted on wearing instead of the ugly snow boots that igor set as the female uniform shoe.

"What a charismatic group.  Hello!"  Rita sang with a large smile that came off devious to me.

We, the champions, stood together.  We were grouped for pictures, fleur and I sitting, straight backed, in chairs, bodies turned toward each other, heads to the camera.  Rita wasnt put off by our silence.  She strode forward and shook each of our hands.

"Im rita seeker, I write for the daily prophet.  But of course you know that dont you.  Its you we dont know, you're the news.  What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?  What myseteries do the muscles mask?  Does courage lie beneath those curls?  In short, what makes a champion tick.  Me, myself, and I want to know.  Not to mention my rabid readers.  So, whos feeling up to sharing?  Mmm?  Shall we start with the youngest girl.  Lovely."  Rita said circling us as she spoke.  She grabbed my arm and jerked me away from the group.

She pushes me into a small broom closet and shuts the door behind her.  Without a word she turns over two mop buckets and pushed me onto one.  She sat across from me and settled a parchment and quill across her knees.

"Now, are you comfortable?"  Rita asked with a sigh.

"Im in a broom closet with a nosey, badly dressed woman, and sitting on a mop bucket."  I answered sarcastically.

"Well, you're a cheery little brat arent you.  Lets talk about your new found brother.  How did it feel when you first found out you were harry potters twin?"  Rita asked as her green quill started scratching away magically.

"Ms seeker, I would be happy to answer any and all questions you have about the tri wizard tournament,  but I will answer nothing about my family.  That is not what this article is supposed to be about.  Also I would kindly like to ask you to keep your nose, and quill out of my buisness."  I replied already done with this interview.   Without waiting for her answer I slammed the door open and left her sitting on the dirty mop bucket.

I joined the others again.  The room was quiet, only some whispers could be heard from the photographer.   I kept my face clear of the annoyance I felt.  Harry went next.  I didnt even care if he answered her questions.  I would be a pawn in her sick game she calls work.

We sat in this room while everyone got interviewed.   They got progressively shorter as time went on.  Like she had all the information she wanted, or she was losing interest.  Either way I was glad when we were dismissed.

"So how did your interview go?"  Vik asked as we made our way back to the ship.

"Non existent.   Her first question was about harry and I being siblings.  So I went off on her and walked out."  I shrugged.


The article was in the next mornings prophet.  I wasnt super excited about reading the article after how I went off on rita.  She was sure to bash me good.

"Harry potter aged 12, suspect entrant number two in the tri wizard tournament.   His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past."  Hermione read at breakfast.   Ron wasnt sitting with us because he was mad at harry.  Hermione said it was basically jelousy because harry was chosen.  Whatever, let the boys fight.

"Oh here is the part about you.  'Braelyn krum, recently found to be harry potters twin sister, hidden from the world after he-who-must-not-be-named failed killing curse on both of them.  She declined to comment on her feelings after finding out this life altering news, but was quick to anger towards this reporter when I asked.  She asked me, not so polietly, to keep my nose out of her personal buisness and left the interview before this reporter could ask any more questions.  Is this girl all bark and no bite?  Will she survive this tournament?  With that attitude of hers, I dont think the odds are in her favor.'  How horrible!"  Hermione read out then slamming the paper closed in anger.

"She is a horrible woman."  Harry agreed.

"Shes just mad because I called her out."  I shrugged chewing on some toast.

After breakfast I decided to do my schoolwork outside, since it was such a beautiful day.  There was a tree by the lake that provided shade and a beautiful view.  It is so peaceful that I was worried I would be more interested in daydreaming instead of working, but it didnt stop me from changing into skinny jeans and a tshirt and spreading a blanket out on the ground in the shade of the tree.

The birds chirping and the soft slapping of water rang in the background as I filled my brain with wizard history.  Instead of distracting me, my view gave me a nice break from the endless black and white of my book.  It made it so I didnt hate doing the work as much as I usually would.

Footsteps atterted me to a visitor.  I looked up to see a mass of red hair bobbing into view.

"Hey ron, whats up."  I greeted as he stopped in front of me.  He seemed kind of akward, fidgeting and looking at the ground instead of at me.

"Well my brother is here.  He wants to see you."  Ron said.

"Cool.  I just gotta drop my stuff off."  I said getting up and gathering my things.

Ron led me into the dark creepy forest named the forbidden forest because it was forbidden to students.  I didnt voice this outloud because im sure dumbledore knew every single thing that happened on campus.  If he wanted us out, he would get us out.

A few minutes in I could hear shouts and growls from a humans and a large animal.  I couldnt deny that I was getting really nervous about where ron was leading me.  As we got closer I could see flashes of light through the thick layers of trees we were trodding through.

"Ron, where are we going?"  I asked breaking the silence.

"Dont worry.  We are almost there."  Was the only thing ron said turning his head slightly toward me.

Finally we broke through to a large clearing, where I stopped in my tracks.  In this clearing were 5 dragons looking very irritated.  There was a chinese fireball.  A yellow eyed dragon with scarlet scales stomping its clawed feet in irritation. A huge hungarian horntail with brown scales and a bad temperament.   A swedish short snout with black scales.  A common welsh green with black eyes and green scales.  And a peruvian vipertooth.  17 feet of copper scales and short horns on its head.  As it roared I could see its venomous fangs glistening in the light.

"Hey bry.  Nice to see you again."  Charlie greeted jogging up to us.  I pointed, open mouthed, to the dragons.

"Oh yeah, dont worry, we can handle them.  They are hear for the first challenge.  Igor was here a little bit ago and hagrid is going to bring madame maxine and harry tonight so everyone should know soon enough.  I just wanted to see you again."  Charlie said waving off the dragons.

I managed to tear my eyes away from the dragons to give charlie a hug.  It was good to see him again.  It felt like a lifetime ago we were at the world cup.  Even with the first challenge just over the horizon, it was nice to see charlie without being terrified for my life.

♥♡I cant tell on my tablet, but I hope this one is longer than some of my other chapters.  Comment.  Vote.

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