PROLOGUE: Pink Hoodie

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July 28, 2017 (Friday)


It's finally my turn to order. After 20 minutes of waiting in the line of the milk tea shop, I have reached the cashier. I say my order, pay, then turn to find my seat. As I do so, my eyes are caught by a rhythmic movement on the ground. The movement is familiar and I almost smile because of it.

Dancing. I notice how the shoes move in the same direction I often move my own when I listen to music. My eyes find their way up the person's body, and I get a glance at a boy's features.

I look away once I'm at a table, which is only 2 metres away from him.

Unfortunately, he's stopped dancing, but still, I find myself very amused and excited. When have I ever seen someone do that too? I do that quite often, and in all the 15 years of my life, this is the first time I see this. And he's good.

I catch brief glimpses of his face and am not embarrassed to say that it matches his eye-catching movements. His hair is styled cutely and spread evenly: a bowl cut. His eyes are round and his nose is adorable.

But after all these observations, what forces me to smile is his clothing. Not his dark blue Adidas shoes, not his grey It's his baby-pink hoodie.

He's cute.

I sigh and place my head in my arms as I think about how hopeless I am with any good-looking guy.

I sit back up after a few moments and run my hand through my hair. From the corner of my eye, I see the boy at the counter where he gives his order.

I avert my eyes once again and try to distract myself with my phone. But, this deems ineffective as the pink-sweater-boy sits at the table next to mine.

I convince myself it's simply because this is a small place and the table beside me would be a convenient area to wait for your order. But still. I mean, he's beside me.

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. He's less than a meter away. He's not right beside me...

I roll my eyes at my thoughts and bury my face in my arms once again. No matter how tempted I am to strike a conversation with this guy, I would never do it. I'm way too shy.

I turn off my device and place it in my bag. The boy beside me has taken off his earphones and I sigh, again, knowing my fear is strong enough to fight any temptation and urge to meet him. I remember an old friend of mine who wouldn't hesitate to start a conversation with a random stranger when she's bored. Because of how unbelievable it is to me, I've always felt that's a thing you only see in movies. I guess I'm not cut out for socialising.

So, I return to the comfort of my arms. I'm leaving for home soon anyway.



That's all I think as I notice the girl in a black hoodie almost smile when she sees me moving to the beat of the music. Slightly embarrassed, I stop but am now captivated by the girl.

"Sir?" I'm brought back to my senses and see that it's my turn to order. I quickly give it, and when she asks for the money I clumsily let it fall out of my hand. I groan inwardly and pick it up, then pay her the right amount.

I then go to wait for my order. I see the table beside the girl is vacant. I take it. From the corner of my eye, I notice she's on her phone.

My eyes glide over the rest of her. She's small, that's one thing I notice. Her hair looks almost black, but because of the light, I notice it's more of a dark shade of brown. Then, I watch her shoes. They're peach, and they're very, very faintly tapping. It's not random, I can tell because there's a beat to it.

I wonder if she dances.

I sigh and roll up my earphones to place them in my pocket. She puts her phone away and disappears into her arms.

Maybe I should talk to her?

But she doesn't know me.

Exactly. I should introduce myself...Maybe I should? I mean how bad can it go?

Very bad?

She's right there. Just start with names, and I'll be fine!

Just as I decide that I will talk to her, she gets up. I stare after her and watch as she takes her drink from the counter, and makes her way for the exit. It takes me a few moments to process what happened.

I continue to stare at the door.

Well, there goes my chance.

I'm going back home to Daegu later anyway. If I did try to meet her, I doubt we'd be able to maintain any sort of relationship.

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