Ch.4 The Rumors

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What you're both wearing(If female then it can be what Merula's wearing you'll have long sleeves on )

3rd pov

It was the middle of the night everything was quiet and everyone was asleep except for three kids in the Slytherin common room. Merula hurried up Rowan to catch up before they got caught by a professor or a student for being out of their dorm they knocked on Yn door but he/she was asleep but was awoken by the knocking on the door they were in their pyjamas so it was best if they changed before opening

Merula:Yn open the door before someone spots us

Rowan:Is he/she asleep

Merula:Uh maybe stand back(takes wand out and points it at the door)okay were getting in one way or another

Merula was about to cast the spell until a very sleep deprived Yn opened the door letting them in they entered the room to see cups of tea and coffee scattered around except for a table that had Shell and Scale tank with the two creatures sleeping in the said tank but aside from that there were no decorations except for the tank and a photo of a sun rising over Hogwarts with words saying "No matter how difficult the night the morning will always come-Chiara" in cursive

Merula was about to cast the spell until a very sleep deprived Yn opened the door letting them in they entered the room to see cups of tea and coffee scattered around except for a table that had Shell and Scale tank with the two creatures sleeping...

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Merula:Where did you get this photo from

Yn:A Friend gave it to me she a Hufflepuff in the 1 first year like use you've probably seen her

Merula felt a bit of a sting when she found out that the photo came from a girl especially that it came from a Hufflepuff thinking that it was from Penny but the name on the picture said otherwise but she cast this thought aside thinking nothing of it

Rowan:Nows not the time for that how are gonna open the window

Yn:With a door-making spell

Rowan:Door-making spelling

Yn:Yup one of the few spells Andromeda taught before I went to Hogwarts

Merula:what were the other spells

Yn:Um quite spell, Wingardium Leviosa maximas, aquatic Griffen, night-terror spell, and hallucination spell

Merula:Wingardium Leviosa maximas?

Yn:A stronger version of wingardium Levios except this creates an invisible platform when falling that will last as long as your standing on it

Merula:Huh like a bridge basically; that actually pretty useful

Rowan:Guys can we get back to the matter a hand, please

Yn:Right(takes out wand)Tacet Locus

Rowan:what spell was that

Yn:That was the quiet spell noise well not leave this room so we can scream shout and do whatever no outside this room will hear it now for the next spell(points wand at the window)Partum Ianuam

A Little bit Of Love (Merula x M reader)ON HOLD EditWhere stories live. Discover now