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The year is 1976 in the small town of Point Place, Wisconsin four completely teenagers sit together lounging one couches and chairs. in a cool basement as a annual party is taking place. Nervously sitting in a chair Eric Forman a known nerdy teen in the community remains locked eyes with three of his friends as a debate continues. Donna Pinciotti the strong headed feminist, Micheal Kelso the not so bright and Steven Hyde the anti government conspiracist leaded towards the boy having a conversation teens at this time most definitely would.

" Eric!" Micheal stretched out in annoyance.

" Why don't you do it?"

" It's your house. Listen to them up there. The party has reached critical mass. In 10 more minutes there will be no more beer opportunities!" Hyde tried convincing him.

" If my dad catches me copping beers he'll kill me."

Reaching over Hyde slaps Eric on the knee.

" I'm willing to take that risk."

Leaning in Kelso adds to Hyde's argument right before Donna speaks.

" Don't worry about it. Just remain calm,keep moving...."

" And above all don't get stuck in my dad's hair."

Eric turns his attention away from Hyde to look towards Donna.

" What's wrong with your dad's hair?"

" Just don't look at it." Donna exclaimed with wide eyes.

Getting up from his seat on the couch Hyde reaches over placing both of his hands on Eric's face before staring into his eyes.

" And Eric cold....definitely cold."

Giving Hyde a nod Eric quickly gets out of his seat and hurries up the staircase towards the party above them. Rushing up the stairs as fast as he can once he has reached the top Eric bumps into his mom Kitty Forman. The loving caring mother of two children that is known to be a great baker to everyone in the Wisconsin area.

" Oh Eric! Watch out pizza rolls! Hot! Hot!"

Letting his mother pass on by him while using her as cover Eric slowly sneaks into the living room area of his house when he reaches over grabbing two cans of beer that were sitting on the ledge behind the living room couch.

" Hey there Eric!"

Looking over Eric sees Bob Pinciotti sitting on the couch with a smile on his face. Bob Pinciotti a short chubby but very nice man to all those around him. Quickly approaching behind Bob Eric watches as Bob's wife Mitch puts her arm around Bob's shoulders. Mitch Pinciotti a known neighbor to all the boys in Eric's group. Not the sharpest tool but the boys don't care with her looks.

" Hello Mr and Mrs Pinciotti."

" Hey Eric how do you like Bob's hair? Isn't it groovy!"

With Bob looking away towards Mitch for a brief second Eric's eyes wander down to Mitch's rack before he looks back up to her face.

" It's incredibly groovy Mrs. Pinciotti."

Minutes later after some small talk with the Pinciottis slowly Eric has made it over towards a small ice bucket containing 6 ice cold beers. As he reaches in to grab two of the beers a voice forces him to pull back. The voice of his father Red Forman. A known war veterian in Wisconsin that is also known for his short temper and anger towards others.

" Eric."

" Hi dad."

" What the hell happened to Bob's hair? His head looks like a poodle's ass!"

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