"Oh my God...I've been talking so much. I'm so sorry. Fuckkk." You sunk your head into your hands to hide.

"Don't hide your face, darling—I love hearing you talk. I told you that already. You're way more interesting than me!"

You peeked up at him through your fingers to see his smiling face. You sat up straight again, mostly recovered from the embarrassment. "No, no, no..." You waved your fork at him. "It's your turn now. I'm done talking for the night." You crossed your arms resolutely.

Tom raised his eyebrows, a slight smirk on his face. "Well I can think of something that doesn't require any talking..."

The look in Tom's eyes made your heart skip a beat. "Someone's eager, aren't they? Do you need more water?...you seem a bit thirsty." You lightly bit your bottom lip, teasing Tom.

Tom's jaw clenched, eyes on your mouth. "Hard not to be with you looking like that." His voice had a slight edge to it.

"Hmm well I might have to see what I can do to quench your thirst. But, too bad for you, I'm not done with my dessert yet, so you'll just have to wait." You took a small bite of your dessert. "Now, it's your turn to talk..."

Tom readjusted in his seat, sighing slightly. "If you insist...so what do you wanna know?"


With dinner finished, Tom led you back to the hallway leading out to the alley. You stood with him just inside the door: his face inches from yours, eyes locked in wonder. The inkiness of night had somehow seeped into morning pastels without either of you realizing, but after hours and hours that felt like fleeting moments—and although you could hardly keep your eyes open—you weren't ready to retreat back to real life. Because tonight hadn't been real, you were convinced of that much. Staring into his doe eyes, all you could think was how lovely this dream had been. Perfect, in fact. Every glance, every smile, every second.... absolutely perfect.

Tom's gaze lingered on your lips before flicking up to meet your eyes again; he raised a hand to cup your face tenderly, his thumb lightly brushing your bottom lip. "So beautiful," he murmured.

Tom leaned in slowly towards you, electricity coursed through your veins. Details bled into each other as Tom closed the short distance between your faces. Just before his lips met yours, he lifted your chin slightly, pausing to gauge your reaction.

Your heart fluttered as thousands of butterflies took flight. Your eyes closed briefly, savoring the moment. What a wonderful dream this is. And even though this dream would surely end as soon as your lips touched—why do dreams always seem to end at the best part?—you couldn't wait a second longer. Eyes locked with his, breathy words escaped your longing thoughts, "kiss me."

And without hesitation, his lips pressed gently against yours, for the sweetest kiss anyone had ever experienced. Shooting stars flashed across your closed eyelids, and when Tom pulled away ever so slightly a few seconds later, your eyes stayed closed, unwilling to let the dream end. Lips hovering millimeters apart, your breaths became one.

Gradually, your eyes opened to meet Tom's. Your heart pounded as his eyes darkened with desire. The hunger overpowered everything else, and like magnets, your lips clashed together fervently. Your hands instinctively found their way to his neck, fingers tangling in the curls at his nape. Neediness overwhelmed your senses as you explored and tasted each other, intoxicated by his touch. You needed to be closer, to feel him against you as the kiss lost all pretenses of innocence. Tom pressed into you, causing you to stumble backwards into the wall. Flesh against each other, you felt every contour of his firm body; his strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, closer, but it wasn't enough—nothing ever would be. His mouth devoured yours, biting your bottom lip and trailing hot kisses across your jaw.

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