Live while were young

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"Joey!" I said shaking him.
"Wake up!" I said.
"Why?" He mumbled.
"Because I'm bored and everyone is asleep!" I said.
"Ugh, just go back to sleep." He said lifting me and placing me on top of him.
"Your no fun." I said cuddling in his chest.
"Whatever." He said.
We fell asleep for an hour or 2 and got woken up by dumb and dumber.
"Aww look at her drool." I heard Ashton say.
"We should start planning there wedding!" Jonah said.
"Yes! What's the theme?" Ashton said.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Jonah asked.
"Starry Night!" They both said.
"Shut up!" Joey said throwing a pillow at them.
"Sorry we're trying to save your money in the future." Ashton mumbled throwing the pillow at me.
"You guys are so annoying." I groaned facing the other way.
"We'll be out in a while." Joey said.
"Alright. Tell us the details." Jonah winked.
"Get out!" I said pointing to the door.
They laughed and closed the door behind them.
"Goodmorning." Joey said kissing my forehead.
"Goodmorning." I said getting off of him.
I looked at my phone and saw a message.
Riverlynn 🌊💙
Riverlynn 🌊💙: Heyy
Me: Heyy ✌🏼☺️✌🏼
Riverlynn 🌊💙: lmao so do y'all want to come over today? I know Townes and Joey broke up but me and the girls really wanted to chill with you guys 🥴
Me: of course! We'll be over in like 2 hours! Does Townes know?
Riverlynn 🌊💙: naw but she'll be fine 🤷‍♀️
Me: ok 🤷‍♀️
"So here's the plan." Joey said pulling me in to cuddle with him.
"What?" I asked.
"Me and you all day." He said looking down at me.
"I would really love that, but we already made plans." I said getting up.
"We?" He asked sitting up.
"Mhm. We're all going to the girls house." I said.
"Ugh." He groaned.
I stood up and went to the side he was sitting at. I stood between his legs and squished his face.
"I'm sorry. But you don't even have to pay attention to Townes." I said as he put his hands around my waist.
"Fine. Just because you want to go." He rolled his eyes.
"Thank you!" I said hugging him.
"I love you." He said kissing my forehead.
"Love you too." I said.
I went back to my room and the guys were in there.
I closed my door getting their attention.
"May I help you?" I asked.
"So did you guys have some Make up?" Jonah asked.
"Make up?" I asked.
"S" Ashton said.
"E" Jonah said.
"X" Grayson said.
"No. We didn't. Also go get ready we're going to  the girls house." I said.
"Ok. But just one question!" Grayson said.
"What now!" I rolled my eyes.
"How much now?" Ashton smirked.
"17%?" I said turning red.
"Looks like all this wedding planning is gonna be used!" Jonah said.
"You guys are so stupid. Now get out!" I said pointing at the door.
They all laughed and left.
I showered and got dressed.

"Are you ready?" I asked walking in Joeys room

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"Are you ready?" I asked walking in Joeys room.
"Woah." He said looking at me.
"Yes?" I asked walking over to him.
"Nothing. I'm ready!" He said.
"Ok?" I said and we walked out of this room.
"Ready?" I asked walking downstairs.
"Yup!" They all said.
We took Joeys car.
"So why are we going over there?" Ashton asked.
"Just to hang out I guess." I shrugged.
We sat there in silence until we got there.
"Who's knocking?" Grayson asked.
"I'll do it." I rolled my eyes.
I knocked and Townes opened it.
"Oh. Hi guys." She said.
We all smiled at her.
"Come in!" Riverlynn said.
We all hugged and sat down.
"So you invited us over to do?" Grayson said.
"Monopoly?" Brielle asked.
"I'm down to win." Joey shrugged.
"Ha! That's a funny joke." I said.
"Here we go again!" Grayson said.
"Whats happening?" Charlotte asked.
"They do this thing where they hate each other during Monopoly." Brielle said.
"Oh you thought that was funny?" He said standing up.
"How many times do I have to tell you I always win?" I said standing next up facing him.
"Y'all hear sum? Ion." He shrugged.
"Oh it's on Joel." I said crossing my arms.
"Brielle go get the game." Joey said.
"Here comes the longest game of your life." Jonah groaned.
"I'm confused." Townes said.
"Me and Joey are enemies when we play Monopoly!" I said.
"But then we make up once the game is over." He added.
"Something like that." I said.
He stared at me and I smiled.
I looked at my phone and I got a text.
3 musketeers 💙💛❤️
Ash 🥳💛: why aren't Joey and Townes talking?
Me: they broke up!
Jonah 🥴💙: OOHHHH YESSSS!!!!!!
Me: no. Not yes. He said she said they'll probably get back together next week 🙄
Me: tell me about it.
"Why?" Ashton said.
"The way the world works." I shrugged.
"What?" Joey asked.
"Nothing. Let's get comfy!" I said.
We all sat down and waited for Brielle.
"Wow. You guys don't even sit with each other!" Charlotte said.
"It's that serious." I said.
Brielle came out with the game.
"Ready Joel?" I asked staring him in the eye.
"Born Ready." He said starring at me.
"This is really weird." Townes said.
About 2 hours later it was just me,Joey,and Townes.
"And your done!" Riverlynn said when Joey lost all his money.
"What!?" Me and the boys said.
"This can't be true!" Joey said.
"It's always me and you last!" I said to him.
"I can't believe it!" He said running his hands through this hair.
"Alright Brooklyn!" He said.
"Yes?" I said.
"You gotta beat her!" Joey said.
"Wow. Thanks!" Townes said sarcastically.
"No shoot." I said.
"Twenty dollars if you do it!" He said.
"Alright!" I said smiling.
About 30 minutes later Townes was for sure gonna lose.
"How much money do you have?" I asked standing up.
"A dollar." She said looking down.
"And how much do I have?" I asked.
"250k." She said.
"Oh yes!" I said.
She lost all her money and I won.
"Hell ya!" I said jumping into Joeys arms.
"We did it!" He said carrying me.
"Ya ya whatever." Townes said rolling her eyes.
"Someone's mad." Riverlynn said laughing.
"Your a goddess!" Joey said kissing my cheek over and over again.
"Get! Married! Already!" Grayson said.
"You guys really don't know how to shut up do you?" Brielle said.
"Nope!" Jonah said.
We all laughed.
"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Charlotte said.
"Truth or dare?" Jonah said.
"Yup!" She giggled.
We all got in a circle
"So who's first?" Joey asked.
"Me!" Ashton said.
"Townes, truth or dare?" He said.
"Dare!" She said.
"I'll start easy. I dare you to ride my skateboard through the whole parking garage." He said.
"I don't know how to ride idiot." She said.
"That's the whole point idiot." He said in the same time she said it in.
We all started laughing.
"Alright let's go!" She said.
We all got up and went to Joeys car to get the board.
"Ready?" Ashton asked.
"Whatever." She said taking the board.
She tried riding on the first floor and kept falling.
Me and Joey couldn't help but laugh.
"I gotta take a video of this." Charlotte said pulling out her phone.
"Ooo send it to me." I said.
The second floor had really good lighting.
"Joey take pictures of me!" I said.
"Alright." He said pulling out his phone.
"On my phone." I said.
"Sorry I just wanted pictures of my beautiful best friend." He said rolling his eyes.
I laughed and posed.
"Hot." He said which made me smile.
"Hold that smile!" He said.
"Perfect!" He said.
"Thank you!" I said walking up to him.
"You look beautiful." He said hugging me and kissing my forehead.
Townes looked at us and rolled her eyes.
"So are we going to the third floor, Townes?" I asked still hugging Joey to make her jealous.
"Yes!" She said smiling at us.
By the time she was done she had a couple of cuts.
We went back to the apartment and continued the game.
"Truth or dare?" Riverlynn asked me.
"Truth." I said.
"Would you cheat on Jesse and if so, with who?" She asked.
My heart dropped but I kept a smile.
"Pass." I said.
"You can't pass!" Grayson said.
"Well I just did!" I said.
"You have to asnswer or you get your punishment!" Charlotte said.
"Give me my punishment." I shrugged.
Ashton, Jonah, Brielle, and Riverlynn looked at each other with evil smirks in their faces.
"You and Joey seven minutes in heaven!" They said.
"Jeez What are we 6th graders?" I said.
"You'd be suprise how many people can do it in 7 minutes." Jonah said.
"Ew." Joey said.
"Go!" They said.
"Alright we're going!" I said getting up.
"Oh, and leave your phones!" Grayson said.
We both put our phones down and walked to the closet.
"They're stupid." Joey chuckled.
"Tell me about it." I said.
"So have you talked to Jesse?" He asked me.
"He called earlier." I said looking down.
"Hey what's wrong?" He said spotting over to me and hugging me.
"I just don't feel it anymore." I said looking at him.
"Well you can't break up with him." Joey said.
"I can't." I said.
Then I thought about it.
"I can't!" I said.
"That's what I just said." Joey said.
"I can't break up with him unless he does something!" I said standing up in the dark.
"What would be do?" Joey asked.
"What if I pay someone to have sex with him and then I find out and then I break up with him!" I said.
"We'll talk about this when we're not in a closet supposed to be making out." He said pulling my arm back down.
I sat on his lap facing him.
Our faces were inches away.
"So do you think you and Townes are gonna get back together?" I asked.
"Probably." He shrugged.
"Oh." I said laying my head on his chest.
"I love you." He whispered in my ear and then kissed my forehead.
"I love you too." I said.
"Times up!" I heard Townes yell banging on the door.
"Just when we got comfortable." Joey said.
We both got up and walked out of the closet.
We sat back down in the circle and they all stared at us.
"Sooo?" Charlotte asked.
"Sooo?" Joey said.
"That means nothing happened." Jonah sighed.
"Dammit Brielle said.
"Sorry not sorry!" I said.
"Ya know what? I'm gonna settle this!" Grayson said.
"What?" I said.
"Joey Truth or dare?" Grayson said.
"Truth." Joey said.
"Is it true you still love Brielle?" He asked.
I gave him the death stare.
Brielle fake gaged which made me laugh.
However, Townes didn't know Brielle and Joey used to date.
"Pass!" Joey said quickly.
"Thought so." Grayson said smiling.
"Ooohhhhh." Jonah and Ashton said.
"I dare you and Brooklyn to make out for 10 seconds right here!" Grayson said.
Everybody's Jaw dropped and then they all smiled expect for Townes.
I thought it was pretty funny.
"Your not serious." Joey said.
"Oh I'm serious. In fact we're all serious, except for one person." He said looking at Townes.
"Are we really about to do this?" Joey asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Fifty dollars for each of you!" Riverlynn said.
"Ok!" We both said.
We both scooted closer to each other.
"Do you mind moving?" Joey asked Townes since she was in between us.
"Um no." She said and she moved.
Then it happened.
Me and Joey kissed.
He wasn't even a bad kisser.
He put his hand on my cheek.
He has soft hands, I think I'm in love.
Wait what!?
"2 and 1!" Grayson said.
Me and Joey pulled away from each other and sat where we were before.
"Not bad Harp." I said.
"Not too bad yourself." He chuckled.
"So where's our money?" I asked Riverlynn.
"Oh there's no money." She said.
"What!?" Joey said.
"Yup. Got ya!" She said laughing.
Me and Joey both rolled our eyes.
"Why would you kiss her?" Townes mumbled.
"Because you guys broke up so basically he could do whatever he wants. Is that a problem?" I said to her.
"Oop." Jonah said.
"Woah." Joey said smiling at me.
"And that's the end of the game!" Charlotte said getting up.
"Nope. No problem at all!" She said smiling st me.
I smiled back and looked at Joey.
He had a big smile on his face.
I laughed.
"You guys wanna stay over?" Brielle asked.
"Why not." Ashton shrugged.
"We could all sleep in my room!" Charlotte said.
They all walked upstairs and me and Joey stayed downstairs.
"You guys aren't coming?" Townes asked.
"We're gonna clean." Joey said.
I smiled at Townes and she rolled her eyes but kept walking.
"That attitude with Townes was everything!" He said pulling me in for a hug.
"Really?" I said looking up at him.
"Hell ya! She thinks that since we might get back together she can still run me. I'm a single man. I could kiss whoever!" He said.
"Wow. I thought you were gonna be pissed." I said looking down.
"Why? He asked moving a price of hair out of my way.
"I thought oh wanted us to get along." I said.
"Ya, but we're not dating now so it doesn't matter." He said.
I looked up at him and smiled.
"What did I do to deserve you?" I asked hugging him.
"I don't know but it must've been something great." He said and we both laughed.
He kissed my forehead over and over again.
"Let's clean up now." He said letting me go.
We both cleaned the kitchen and went up to Charlottes room.
Everyone was scattered and there was no room for us.
"What are we gonna do?" Joey asked.
"You guys can sleep in my room." Riverlynn mumbled.
"Thanks!" I said.
We went to her room and layed on her bed.
"Come here." He whined.
"Jeez I'm coming." I said laying next to him.
He picked me up and placed me on top of him.
"Really Joey?" I giggled.
"Yes really!" He said.
I rolled my eyes and layed on his chest.
"Goodnight Joey." I whispered.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said kissing his cheek.
"You wanna go home?" He asked me.
"This late?" I asked.
"Yes." He said.
"Why do you want to go home?" I asked him.
"So it could just be me and you." He said.
I did turn a little red.
"Fine, your driving." I said getting off of him.
"C'mon let's go." He said getting up.
He walked in the kitchen and grabbed a price of paper and pen.
"I love when you do that." I said.
"Do what?" He said writing the note.
"You write me little notes. It always makes me feel better." I said.
He turned around and smiled at me.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Mhm." I said and we walked out the door.
We got in the car and it was silent.
Joey put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me.
I smiled back and turned red.
When we got home, I changed into a sports bra and Spandex shorts.
"Come lay with me." Joey said peeping his head in my room.
"I'm coming you big baby." I said putting my hair up.
"Oh really? A big baby?" He said walking closer to me.
"Mhm." I said looking up at him.
"You'll regret that." He whispered and then put my legs around his waist.
"Oh no Joey please put me down! I want to walk!" I said sarcastically.
"Oh that's not the punishment." He said.
"Then What is it?" I asked.
"You'll see." He said walking down the stairs.
He placed me on the couch and I laughed.
"So I have to sleep on the couch?" I chuckled.
"Wrong. You're not gonna sleep because I'm not gonna let you!" He said sitting by me.
"Sure your not." I said laying down.
"No m'am!" He said lifting me up.
"Your so annoying." I groaned.
He got up and grabbed his speaker.
"Joey What are you doing?" I yawned.
He ignored me and blasted music.
"Joey turn it off! I'm tired!" I yelled but he couldn't hear me.
The whole night Joey kept me up. Hitting me with pillows. Blowing a horn. Putting ice down my back.
"Joey!!!! Let! Me! Sleep!!!!" I yelled.
"Haha! Look who's crying now!" He said.
"I hate you sometimes." I said.
"Love you too!" He said laying on my lap.
"You could sleep now." He said.
"Thank goodness!" I said getting up.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Your room, you coming?" I asked.
He smiled and followed me up.
"Oh look! It's four in the morning!" Joey said looking at his phone.
I gave him the death stare and he kissed my forehead.
We both layed down on his bed and called it a night.

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