Chapter 2

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David quickly picked up Bill and threw him over the counter, dropping him on his back. Bill heard a clicking sound from the floor and pulled himself to his feet. As he stood up, he saw David, revolver in hand.

"Open the register, or I will shoot." David said coldly. He aimed the gun straight at Bill and showed no hesitation in pulling the trigger. Bill looked behind the counter and saw that his revolver was missing. He then looked back up at David and looked at his gun.

"Fuck!" he muttered under his breath.

"I've been in this shithole of a store enough times to know that you keep a gun hidden under behind the counter. Now empty the register! Or they will." David finished. He then pointed outside to the car that was pulled out of the front of the shop. Two men stepped out and walked in. One was wearing a green hoodie and the other was wearing a black leather jacket. They both walked up to the counter and looked at Bill. Bill knew both of them. They were David's friends. The one in the hoodie was Jason and the one in the leather jacket was Liam.

"Why are you doing this?" Bill asked. David stared at him for a while and then replied.

"I always walk in here with no money, and I take what I want because you put it on the tab. You expect me to pay you back. But when my Dad found out that my tab was reaching the hundreds... he was pissed!"

"Ben?" Bill asked. He was alive!

"Yeah! Who else? My mom? Oh yeah, she left us years ago!"

"That doesn't answer why you want to steal the money!" Bill exclaimed.

"Fine!" David roared. "You want to know why I'm stealing from you? Well, I don't want to get caught by my Dad when he's back from Mexico, so I need some money so I can get away."

"I don't think that there's enough money in the register to cover that!" Bill inquired. David then bashed the gun off of his head and sent him tumbling to the floor.

"You talk too much." David chuckled. He then signalled to Liam to open the register.

"Do you think that there will be enough money?" Jason asked.

"Even if there isn't, I can probably crash somewhere until Dad has to pack his bags again." David replied.

As Jason continued to pile money into the register, David suddenly felt his body go cold, as if he was standing out in the rain. Then he heard footsteps coming from behind him. He turned around and saw the shop's door open, and a child in a ripped black hoodie. He couldn't of been older than seven according to his height.

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