The Camping Trip

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"Kyle I don't even want to be out here!" I complained as I watched him struggling with setting up the tent.

"Sarah you said you wanted to spend some time together and try and fix this marriage!" he replied back.

"Who the hell goes camping to fix a marriage? God you are seriously so fucking stupid at times!" I yelled throwing my arms up.

"It was short noticed and we don't have the money to go on a huge trip." He growled in frustration.

"Whatever." I grumbled.

"Finally." He said with a sigh.

"Excuse me?" I replied.

"I finally got the tent up." He relied with a proud smile plastered on his face.

"Nice job now we just need to get a fire going and we will be good for

the night."

"On it." He replied grabbing the fire wood and newspapers that he brought with us. After about twenty frustration minutes and many cuss words later we finally had a fire going.

"Good thing we got this going when we did." He said once we had sat down and finally started to relax.

"Why is that?" I asked picking up a stick and poking the fire with it.

"It is started to become dark." He replied copying my actions. It was silent for a few minutes before he began to speak again.

"What happened Sarah?" he said with a sigh.

"I really don't know Kyle." I answered sighing as well.

"We have only been married for six months and we are already starting to fall apart.

"I'm trying to feel something I really am! I want this marriage to work I really do I just don't think it will."

"Why do you feel it won't work?" he asked looking up from the fire.

"The spark is gone." I relied. We remained silent for about a half an hour just staring into the fire. Suddenly I heard a twig snap on the other side Kyle before I could say anything he spoke up,

"Relax we are in the woods we are going to be hearing that." He said chuckling. Suddenly a growl could be heard causing him to freeze up.

"Are we going to be hearing that all night as well?" I asked my voice shaking.

"Hopefully not, let's go inside tent." He said putting out the fire, I just nodded in response. I quickly made my way into the tent and curled up in one of the two sleeping bags that we had brought with us.

"Hopefully it won't come to the tent." Kyle said, stepping into the tent chuckling, but stopped half way in. His look changed from happy to complete terror in seconds.

"Kyle?" suddenly his body shot backwards.

"Kyle!" I yelled, suddenly a blood curling scream filled the camp site.

"KYLE!" I screamed as I ran outside the tent. Tears ran down my cheeks as I frantically looked around trying to find him. Suddenly something grabbed the back of my shirt and began to drag me away. I screamed and thrashed around frantically trying to get away from the thing. At some point my head slammed into a rock and I became unconscious. I woke up sometime later to the smell of rotting flesh; my heart was pounding in my chest. I quickly took in what little surrounds that I could. My hands were bound above my head in what felt like thick rope. From what I could see, which wasn't much considering how dark it was, we were in a small room with a ton of little objects all over the floor. I say we because Kyle is tied up behind me and to my left. I can just see him out of the corner of my eye.

"Kyle?" I whispered to him.

"I'm here." He whispered back.

"Where are we?" I asked a little louder.

"I don't know I just woke up a few minutes ago." He replied.

"Same." I replied back quietly.

"Sarah if we don't make it out alive I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry you are not happy. I'm sorry we could not make it work. I'm sorry I brought you on this stupid trip. I'm sorry for everything. I love you Sarah just know that."

"I love you too Kyle I really do. I'm sorry I have been such a bitch to you these last couple of weeks." I said tears running down my face.

"It's not..." he began, but stopped as footsteps sound to the right side of me.

"Kyle!" I whispered frantically to him.

"Just stay calm." He whispered back.

The footsteps grew louder and louder, soon I could see the beast. He defiantly was not human, but he was shaped as one just extremely tall and it looked like it was from prehistoric times. It stopped right in front of me.

"Kyle!" I called out frantically shaking.

"Sarah!" He yelled as the beast reached forward and grabbed my leg. He began pulling, I screamed in pain as I heard my bones breaking and the sound of my flesh being ripped. I screamed even louder as he tore off my leg off. I was beginning to grow faint the tearing sound had ceased. I looked down, my leg was gone!

"Kyle." I croaked out growing extremely faint, I didn't hear his reply for I let out another cry as the beast gripped my head and pulled. I let out one final blood curling scream before the blackness engulfed me.


Been meaning to get this up for awhile!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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