Doctor Visit

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Michael sat staring at the clock on the wall, watching the second-hand tick as he waited for his meeting to start. He had been coming here for a few weeks now and each time was the same, waiting for the doctor to arrive so they could begin their session. As busy a person as he was, he was always there on time, regardless of when the meeting would actually start.

While he waited, he looked around the room for what felt like the thousandth time. In the center of the room was a large desk piled with papers all in perfect order, behind which sat a large chair. To his right was a window looking out over a small garden area housed within the hospital.

He heard a small click followed by the squeaking of a heavy door behind her and stood from his chair, smoothing down the shirt that had gotten creased from sitting during the wait, then turning with his beautiful smile.

"Dr. Graham," he said, holding his hand out before him.

"Michael, a delight as always," he said, taking the offered hand.

"Forgive me for not standing, but I have a small cramp."

"Please, there is no need for such formalities here. We are like old friends, you and I. Please have a seat," he said, smiling.

The doctor tilted his head to the side and asked, "Would you care for a drink?"

"Sure," he said, smiling. The doctor made his way over to the small refrigerator at the side of the room and poured a glass of water for him. After placing it in front of him, he walked around the desk to sit in his chair.

"So, how have you been since our last session?" he asked after getting comfortable.

"Busy as always, you know how it is. But, when what you do is what you love, it's hard to complain too much about a little hard work," Michael said with a small smile. The truth was, he had been struggling to keep up with the demand of shows he received. So many to fill, so little time – especially when forced to keep appointments such as this.

He looked up to the clock to check the time. The kids would be finishing school in an hour and he reminded herself not to get distracted and be home late again.

The doctor looked across at Michael with an unreadable expression on his face. After a few seconds, he sighed and closed his eyes, lifting his glasses from his head and rub them against his jacket before returning them to his face.

"So truthfully now Michael, how have you really been since the accident?"

The doctor watched as he struggled to maintain the now fake smile plastered to his face. After a few seconds, he managed to compose himself and fell back into place.

"Oh fine. It was quite an ordeal at first but once I healed and got out of the hospital it has been nothing but smooth sailing ever since. I've barely thought of it since we talked about it at our last session."

The doctor leaned forward, "I am glad to hear that, Mr. Jackson, but you know we need to discuss it again. Until you come to terms with what happened you will never fully heal."

Michael sighed and turned his head, looking out the window to the garden. The doctor waited until he had a few minutes to himself before coughing to bring his attention back to him. He looked at him again before looking down to his legs, ashamed at his mind wandering.

"I'm not sure what you want me to say. Since the accident, everything has been fine. I've been working hard and keeping my mind off the negative things. Spending time with my friends – everything one needs to rehabilitate. I honestly don't see the point in us continuing to have these sessions, I never felt better in my life then I have these past few weeks. I practically feel like a new person." He glanced up at the clock to ensure he was still on schedule.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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