"Who's that" Brandon said finally joining us "Is That is Abigail"

"Yep" I said as I laid down in the water

After a while of letting the awkward silence sit in Leia decided to do the smartest thing ever

"Hey Alexa play recently played music"

Suddenly speakers all throughout the house started to play boyfriend by big time rush

Everyone's heads turned in my direction. I splashed water at them and laughed in embarrassment

"Not going to lie that show has some good bops" nick said

"They were THE band" Leia said as she started to lip sync to the words

"I'm going to prepare a movie inside who's coming to help" I said as I walked out the hot tub through the stairs

No one responded for about 3 seconds, I looked back and gave them a weird look

"Ima say it cause we all thinking it, dayumm thickyyyy" Leia said as she slapped my butt

I was blushing like crazy at what she had just said and done I turned too look at Brandon and he would not stop staring at my butt

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance

I walked out of the hot tub completely and Brandon followed behind me

There was a short awkward silence and Brandon finally decided to break it because I'm not breaking it this time

"How old are you again" he asked

"16, I'm turning 17 in a couple months" the silence returned "um what about you"

"I'm 18"

"Cool" I said as we started to get the snacks. I turned to look outside and the sun was already going away

"No!! I need to get my picture" I looked for Leia but she was very comfortable making out with nick. I sighed in disbelief who was going to take my picture. Believe it or not I'm very camera shy except with Leia

"Oh let's go I'll take it for you" Brandon shrugged

I hesitated on saying yes but I didn't wear this cute bathing suit for nothing. I mean also Brandon was here so I guess that's also another reason

Brandon follows me to the front were we wouldn't interrupt Leia and nick and he started to take pictures off of his phone which surprised me

We took a bunch of pictures and I decided to be bold and turned around so he could take pictures of my butt. I obviously won't post them but at least he'll have them on his phone amirite

At the end of posing with his glasses he gave me we decided to call nick and Leia  to watch the movie

"Hey give me your number so I can send these to you" Brandon smirked

Not gonna lie that was a very smooth way for him to ask for my number.

I gave him a look as I extended my hand as he placed his phone in my hand

I typed my number in and sent a text so I would receive his number as well

"Do I send all of them" he asked as he looked through the pictures

"Nah not the booty ones you can keep those" I winked at him and walked to the movie room. I could feel his smirk from all the way here

As Brandon called them I quickly ran to the bar and took a couple shots of vodka. I wanted to cuddle with Brandon and if he were to ask why I was so touchy with him in the morning I'd pretend like I didn't know it happened

I quietly made my way to the movie room but they were all there already.

These seats were more like long couches and nick and Leia were all the way at the front and Brandon was at the top.

"Can we watch fifty shades of grey, since the new one comes out in 3 months" Nick asked

"Whatever you guys want" I said as I walked to the top and put the movie from the control room

I didn't know whether or not to sit with Brandon but I guess he wanted me to sit with him since he had my drink with him. I didn't want to take my chances and embarrass myself so I started to walk down

"Hey were are you going" Brandon whispered/shouted as he waved his hands to come over
I walked up again and laid down with him

"Why did you go down" he asked as the movie was starting

"I guess I'm not that sensible" I shrugged as I took a sip from my soda but it burned more than usual "what is this" I asked

"Sprite with some vodka" although it was dark I could tell he winked

Oh no I had vodka earlier and now I'm going to drink more. I have a feeling I'm not as sensible as I thought I was


• remember this takes place before the no more music video•

Purpleworld  // Brandon Arreaga Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя