Lover Boy

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You found yourself sitting under the Berry tree that you had climbed before several times and had gotten berries for Freckles and Boris from. You were relaxing and taking a nap with Freckles and Boris. Boris was curled up at your side and Freckles is cuddled up against you. The sun was shining through the leaves and you could feel your skin tanning. Or just burning. Sometimes it's hard to differentiate the two. 

Let's be honest here, If you're reading this book up to this point then you're going to be dreaming about your crush: Ilima. You were smiling as you let yourself get lost in the dream. Boris was breathing slower than you'd think a living being could and Freckles was trying to sleep, but this baby girl did not feel like sleeping. So she just squirmed in your arms, trying to get comfortable and take a nap.

Let's switch perspectives, shall we? Ilima was walking worind, trying to find you, when he finally, did. He knew thst you didn't probably be at this tree. He noticed you were asleep and chuckled to himself. He didn't want to wake you up, yet you were so beautiful. Ilima carefully sat next to you, being speedster by Boris and Yungoos who ran in between to take a nap with you. Smeargle was on the other side of Ilima. Ilima closed his eyes and smiled. The sun was nice here.

Switching back perspectives! You woke up the second you felt something off. You opened your eyes and saw Ilima next to you. You would have freaked out and jumped if you weren't covered in sleeping Pokémon. Your face went hot and you looked down. You felt something on your hand, even though it was wrapped around Boris. You felt your fingers entwining with his. Did he think you're asleep!? You should probably pretend to be asleep.

You closed your eye and had you hand held in Ilima's. The air and atmosphere was so calm, yet you were having a literal anxiety attack. Slap on some eyeshadow and call yourself Virgil Sanders, because welcome to the panic room. You felt a squeeze of your hand and heard words you never really expected to actually hear in real life.

"I love you."

You snapped your eyes open and whipped your head to look around. Ilima was smiling with his eyes closed, leaning against the tree. Was he talking in his sleep? Of course. There's no way that that would be true, right? That's when you watched Ilima open his eyes and grin with his pearly white teeth. His eyes were sparkling with something. You held your breath. Crap crap crap crap crap crap.

"I love you (name)."


"...are you okay?"

CRAP THAT WAS OUT LOUD!!! Yungoos, Freckles, And Smeargle jumped awake and Boris completely ignored everything. You bit your bottom lip and Ilima laughed at you. He took your hand up to his and kissed your knuckles. You felt your face with your free hand. You were boiling! Ilima reached over and placed his hand over yours on your face. He looked deep in your eyes, enchanting you.

"Well... what about you? Do you love me too?"

What else do you have to say except


530 Words

The End

Pink Lemonade [Ilima x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now