C'mon, It's SummerSlam

Start from the beginning


"I miss you@tmajorswwe"

He looked at the photo and couldn't stop looking.

Alexa: What are you looking at?

Tommy: Jeez, you're really making me suffer down here. I can't stop looking at this photo.

Alexa: Well, it's true. I don't like being this far away from each other, for this long.

Tommy: I know, but I'll meet you in New York on Friday.

Alexa: Friday couldn't come fast enough.

They then said their goodbyes and goodnights as she was going to bed.

Tommy went back to eating with the guys before the night training.

He's been working his ass off training with the best in New Japan Pro Wrestling right now.

Then he would go into deep thought on the beach outside of the dojo and meditate. Tommy was a guy that never believed in that kind of relaxation where your mind wipes, but was he wrong.

It's been helping a lot since he's been lost in the state of mind for a while.

Skip to Thursday night*

Lexi just landed in New York, checked into her and Tommy's hotel for this weekend.

She was about to call him after her shower, but when she was scrolling through social media, there was an article trending.


"Tommy Majors and NJPW make a deal!?"


"WWE superstar Tommy Majors spotted in New Zealands famous Fale Dojo earlier this week. Multiple sources say that he's in talk with a recruiter for New Japan Pro Wrestling."

Alexa: What the hell?

This sparked something in her that made her very upset, that he maybe giving up on WWE so quickly.

It was time to get to the bottom of this.

Alexa: God damnit Tom, you better pick up.

It ringed for a good minute until it stopped with his sweaty face popping up.

Tommy: Hey.. babe.. sorry..

Alexa: What the hell is going on down there Tom!?

Tommy: Huh? Wait.. give me a.. second.

He sat down on a bench on the path he was running up, that leads to wavy hills.

Tommy: Ok, say that again?

He was breathing heavy as he was still mid way into his run, but this may make him stop since it sounds serious.

Alexa: I'm reading all over social media about you talking to recruiters in Japan!? You can get fired for this!

Tommy: Hold on, you read somewhere about me talking to recruiters for New Japan?

Alexa: I just said that.

Tommy: Ok, well those statements and articles are all wrong since I haven't talked to another company. I've been in the dojo and only the dojo until today.

Your Moment With Bliss (Alexa Bliss × OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now