As I'm Banned

Começar do início

"You sure that's fair mate?"


"Can't she make a decision on her own?"

Alby turned on him, facing him, body to body.

"This is for the good of the Glade."

I was outraged. They were talking like I was a peice of meat waiting to be prepared!

"Hi! I'm Ember, and I can make shucking desicions on my own without two shanks deciding for me!"

Alby had faced me during my words, and Newt clapped silently behind his back whilst grinning.

"I also happen to be the leader. It is for the good of the community and the trust bond. Just trust me this once Ember."

I closed my eyes for a moment, and spun on my heel and walked to the MedJack House. I was angry, but I didn't want anyone to know why. If anyone found out, Newt was be in large amuonts of trouble, and I didn't want him to risk any kind of Banishment things.


It was a new term, that had to be used three days ago. A boy named Matthew had attacked another Glader, out of the blue. We didn't know what to do, and of course Gally proposed the sick idea of leaving him in the maze overnight. Alby thought it was the best thing we could do, because we couldn't have people like that walking around. It was awful to watch, and it was harder to do. Since I was a keeper, I had to make sure he didn't run away. The second the doors shut, I was a blubbering mess. Matthew was a good guy, taken by a moment of madness. I got that it was for our saftey, but it wasn't fun.

My thoughts were interuppted by a quiet knock at the door.



He walked in, smiling.

"Your hand!"

"The maze hurts sometimes."


I removed small shards of rock, and bandged it.

"So! New rule, eh?"

"It's shucking stupid!"

"Only if you have a certain guy that you would like to date!"

"Not you, that's for sure!"

He stuck his tounge out at me, and flexed his hand.

"Thanks, Ember."

"Anytime. It's kinda my job, ya know."



"Newt said meet him at the Tree under the Star tonight? I dunno what that means but..."

I smiled at his cluelessness and the nickname Newt gave it.

"Thanks, I know what it means."

"As long as you aren't dating him!"

I laughed, as if that wasn't a possibility, and rushed him out of there.


Dinner came slowly, as nothing else happened that day. I helped Frying Pan, and weeded a little with Zart. It was a hot day, and I was trapped under the sun's glares wherever I went. The dinner was eaten with Minho and EJ, as I was still mad at Alby, and Newt was nowhere to be found. Afterwards, it was nightfall, and I could see the stars. I ran to the tree, and he wasn't there. I sat and waited. After a while, I started doing something that I haden't told anyone. I was remebering songs. Turns out I could sing, and I did it when I was alone.

"When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are..."

I was about to fall asleep when I heard a voice.

"I hate the rule just as much as you."


He smiled at me, and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me into a hug, and whispered in my ear.

"It means I can't do this."

He pulled away from me and kissed my nose. I giggled, and kissed his back.

"Why can't I decide for myself?"

"No bloody clue."

"It's a tad rude."


"You were right, ya know?"

"Bout what?"

"Not telling anyone. It would have gotten you in alot of trouble."

"I am right often, aren't I?"

I laughed and pushed him.

"Yeah, yeah."

Newt sat down, and patted the ground.

"Pull up a patch of dirt!"

I landed next to him and he swung him arm around me. I was nestled in the crook of his arm, and we were looking at the stars. We jumped at the same time.

"The star!"

We both had looked down and said it at the same moment, which made us laugh. He leaned forward, and our foreheads touched. He looked at me for a moment, and leaned in a tad more.


That's the word that describes the feeling of kissing him. He was everything and time stopped, trumpets sounded, and we were flying. Newt was absolute bliss, compared to the giant klunk-hole we were in. He was firm and steady, and I was unstable and shakey. He palm was rested on my cheek, and mine were pressed on his chest. I felt him grinning slightly, and I could feel my lips doing the same. It was too perfect.


Newt stiffened and turned toward the sound. Minho was standing there, arms crossed and smirk on face. I stood up quickly, trying to act like I was denying it. I ran up to him, and shook his shoulders.

"You can't say anything."

"Fine, but I am not suprised."



He looked at Newt who was staring at him with an expression that I didn't understand, but Minho seemed to get. Minho shook him head slightly, and took off running. I was petrified, but Newt seemed fine.

"He won't tell."

"I know. I just don't want you and I in trouble."

"He wno't say anything, I can assure you."

"How do you know?"

"It's a runners thing."


I sat against the tree, shaken by the fact that he had found us so easily. Newt sat down, and stared up. He finally looked down, and said,

"Where were we?"

{idk dont judge this chapter too much}

Inevitable (tmr/newt)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora