My Love

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Have you met my love?

I think you would remember if you had.

We have been together through thick and thin; a long term relationship I guess. If I believed in auras, hers would be grey and consuming. We kiss alot, my girl and I, and in the night she holds me close and won't let go. You see, my girlfriend is always there; a bit of a stalker actually. Take dinner with friends for example, she won't allow me to go alone. She insists and persists until she comes with me or we decide to stay home.

No one knows the real her. No one knows how bad she is behind closed doors; if people knew, they would insist I get rid. We have separated a few times, and when I look back I see I was happy apart. But she never goes far.  I crumble. I take her back.

The trouble is she knows me too well.

The point has been reached where I've decided to give in; marry the girl and grow old in her arms; till death us do part.

I want to break up, but I can't.

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