The Coffee Shop

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I was at the coffee shop when I noticed a man starring at me he looked amused and curious so I stared back at him it was like a staring contest as we stared I can see he cracked a smirk and I did to he walked up to my table and said "hi my name is Jason what's yours"I was puzzled why did he chose to look at me or be friendly with me it could have been any body but he chose me"hi my name is Angie" "I love that name so inspiring"thanks your is too I guess" " well I guess I should go bye" "bye.The next day Angie was watching the news and found out Jason was murdered by a man named Clark Johnson Angie was devistated about it and got over it and carred on with her life but in her heart she will never forget Jason.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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