Chapter 3: Patchy the pirate, Patchy's parrot and tweedle dum.

Start from the beginning

".......Fine! You got me. My name is actually Natasha Romanoff."

He gave me a confused look before sighing again and muttering,

"I'm way too old to deal with this shit."

I gasped and said dramatically," You indirectly called me shit you mean old jackass."

I swear his lips almost slightly curled up into a teeny tiny smile. He turned, hiding his face from me so I couldn't see if he actually smiled.

He went out, possibly to call  Coulson.

I was proven to correct when Coulson walked in precisely 12 seconds after Fury left.

Yes, I kept count.

He glances at me before sighing and said,

"Look. I know its hard for you to tell us your name but, can you please help me out here? Fury will have my head if I don't get something from You."

"Give me one good reason why I should?"


I nod my head.

 "Alright. How about the fact that you care about me even though you don't show it?" He tries to joke.

Keyword= tried

"Hardy har har PC, but no," I said with a blank look.


I gave him an 'are you serious' look, "What is with you S.H.I.E.L.D people questioning my choice of nicknames?"

He shrugged.

"Whatever. Next," I said pointedly.

"Oh. How about.......I'll buy you McDonald's?"

"Tempting, but no."

"Fury will capture Juan??"

"....You almost managed to scare me for a second."

"Ughhh. I'm really not allowed to do this but I'll coax Fury into recruiting you and drop all charges against you?"

"Wait a seco.......dude! You literally arrested me about an hour ago and now you wanna recruit me amidst the popular belief around here that I am an evil assassin?"


"Fine, parrot."

"Should I even ask?"

"Probably not."


"No. No way. Nada. Absolutely not."

"Come on Fury. I gave her a promise."

"There is no way I'm allowing her into S.H.I.E.L.D, Coulson."

".....Why not??! She's perfect for it."

"She is a killer, Phil. You know that's not how we roll."

"Well.....yeah, but she doesn't kill anyone innocent."

"Your point being..?"

Coulson sighed," We can change her. Show her how to take them down without killing them."

"You do realise that you're  saying that you are going to try to change the ways of a master assassin who has been killing people for 7 years."


"......I'm so gonna regret this."

" You're so gonna not. Believe me. That kid has a lot of good in her. Someone just needs to show her the right way."


"It's done. You start next week. But you have to train this whole week and get your friend to join us."

"Alrighty then, son of Coul. Wouldn't want to keep Juan waiting now would we?"

"He's your guy in the chair isn't he?"

"He is also my best friend and partner in crime."

"Of course," Coulson said with a sarcastic roll of his eyes.

"So...Now what?"

"Now, you keep your part of the deal."

Ahh. My least favourite part.

"Ask away Parrot."


"So what have we got on her?" 

"Everything, sir. Well everything she told us."

"This better be good," Fury said sighing.

"Oh believe me it is," Coulson replied with a slightly proud look on his face, "And we didn't even have to call Romanoff in."

File Number: 17943

Candidate name: Charlotte 'Charlie' Alexandria Adams

Age: 24

Date of Birth: 14.11.1987

Parents: unknown

Alias:  Athena - Master assassin

Skills: Trained and is an expert in all styles of fighting, enhanced speed, enhanced immunity, enhanced senses, accelerated healing.

IQ score: 197

Known languages: Russian, German, Hindi, Arabic, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Japanese.

Other known relatives: None

Height: 1.63 m, 5 '4'

Weight: 52 kg

Eye colour: Brown 

Known associates: Best friend - Ashley Marie Snow

                                        Best friend and 'Tech guy' - Juan Andrew Ramone

A/N  Yes I am aware that I used the last names of 2 prominent figures in the DCEU while writing a fanfiction in the marvel universe. 

Please bear with me.

Constructive criticism is allowed y'all.

As usual,




Not necessarily in that order.

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