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"Good afternoon" the nurse spoke to us as we walked in.

I smiled and nodded at her as Jahseh held his same nonchalant face.

"How can I help you two today?" She asked and I began to talk but Jah said something first.

"She has an appointment" he told her.

She nodded "What's your name?" She asked me but he answered that too.

"Lucy-Lu Miller" he told her and she eyed us but nodded.

I didn't want her to think that he was abusive or that I was one of those women whose religion didn't allow them to talk for themselves.

"Sorry he's just nervous" I told her and she smiled and nodded at us.

"Okay well sit right there until they call you guys back" she told us as she reached out to give me a hospital bracelet.

I let her put it around my wrist before me and Jah went and sat in the seats.

He continuously rubbed his hands on his legs meaning he was probably really nervous about this.

"Baby" I whispered to him as I grabbed his jaw and made him face me.

"Calm down" I told him and he nodded at me, starting to breath slowly so he could regain himself after I let him go.

"Lucy-Lu" they called my name making me cringe.

I'm not used to people adding the "Lu" part they usually just call me Lucy.

I stood up with Jah we followed the nurse to one of the rooms.

"Okay I need you step on this scale" she told me and I nodded, stepping on it.

After she wrote how much I weight we moved and she took my blood pressure and that was it.

"Okay the doctor should be with you shortly" she smiled at me and I nodded and smiled back.

Jahseh came and stood in front of me instead of sitting in the chair like he was when the nurse was in here.

He put my hair behind my ear and kissed me making me blush.

Why he's being extra needy today? I have no idea but I kind of like it.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded at me but stayed where he was standing.

I nodded at him and but my face in his stomach, I'm so tired right now especially since the boys were at the house and it was a lot of noise but Jah needs his friends so I won't complain out loud.

The doctor knocked twice before she just opened the door making me and Jahseh look at her.

"Lucy-Lu right?" She asked and I nodded.

"And is this your baby's father?" She asked and I nodded again.

"Okay well I need you to go pee in this cup" she told me and I nodded at her.

Jah backed away from me and I took the cup from her before going into the bathroom and peeing.

After I was done there was this thing in there that I was supposed to sit it in so I did that before washing my hands and returning to them.

"Okay Lucy your 16 correct?" She asked and I nodded at her.

"And how old are you?" She asked Jah.

"18" he said in a questionable way.

"Name?" She asked him.

"Jahseh Onfroy" he answered.

"Sorry when the pregnancy is from an minor we have to make sure there is nothing that is wrong going on" she told us and I nodded at her.

"Okay Lucy I need you to lay down and lift your shirt so we can have a look" she smiled and I nodded at her, doing what she said.

"So where's your parents or a guardian?" She asked because like she said since I was an minor they needed more information.

"She lives with me" Jahseh answered for me as she rubbed the cold gel on my stomach.

"Okay and do you guys have an reliable income?" She continued with the questions and Jah answered.

"Of course."

She nodded and smiled "good."

She began to move the thing around my belly that had eventually showed a small baby.

"There's your baby" she told us, smiling.

Jahseh got out of his seat and came up to the screen looking at our baby and I promise I've never seen him smile harder.

"Can we get these printed?" He asked her and she nodded, moving the thing from me stomach.

"Of course, do you mind wiping Lucy's stomach for me while I go get them printed for you guys?" She asked him and he shook his head.

She handed him a towel and jogged out of the room. Jahseh began to wipe my stomach like she had asked and he kissed afterwards which made me blush.

Jesus this boy is going to make me marry him.



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