Part 8

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Arianna's POV- Chapter 7; Tell your friends that you're so happy

It's been a day since the shocking news about Shane. Mom has finally been smiling and laughing again... Colton is happy too. Today we're going to meet Trey, Cleo, and Jake at the pier before Jake and I go out for dinner at a restaurant he likes. We still haven't made anything official and I'm too excited to ask if it's a date or not.

"You back with us?" Trey asks and Colton looks at me concerned.

"Yeah just thinking sorry..." I say and he laughs and ruffles Colton's hair.

"So Trey are you ever getting a girlfriend?" Cleo asks her brother innocently before tossing a look at me.

"Because I know this girl who really likes you..." She says and trails off.

"Actually he's already seeing someone. Me." Colton says and then looks at us like he didn't mean to say that aloud.

We all just stare at each other before bursting out laughing. That's the thing about us, we don't care about people keeping secrets. We only care that they finally told us.

"So what about you Jake, getting a girl any time soon?" Trey asks and Jake momentarily looks taken aback.

"Nah. Don't think so man." He says and looks away.

Colton, Cleo, and Trey look at me with a look that says that they're sorry. I shrug as in what can you do?  Colton and Trey engage in a conversation and Cleo wraps her arm around my shoulders as a comforting gesture. When Jake turns back around he looks from Cleo's arm wrapped around me to me playing with loose strands of hair. 

"Colton I think we should go home..." I say but he just shakes his head and tosses me the keys.

"I'm going home with Trey later so you take the bike." He says and kisses my cheek.

I nod and stand up and Cleo gets up with me. 

"I want to go with you. I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle." She says and flips Trey off as. he throws a nasty look at her.

"Let's go then." I say and we walk to the bike. 

I cast a look back at Jake and he's still staring at our retreating image as we walk away.

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